据ABC报道,美国康涅狄格州学校枪击案嫌犯身份确认,24岁的枪手Ryan Lanza,身份证颁发地为新泽西州,据报道其母亲是发生枪击案学校的教师。

NEWTOWN, Conn. - December 14, 2012 (WPVI) -- Authorities tell ABC News that the gunman in the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting is 24-year-old Ryan Lanza of New Jersey.
Lanza's mother was among the dead at the school. She is believed to be a teacher there.
Authorities also told ABC News that a dead body was found at Lanza's home.
Lanza himself is also dead.
According to his Facebook page, Lanza lives in Hoboken, New Jersey and is from Newtown, Connecticut.
27 people, including 18 children, were killed in the shooting Friday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
The official said that a gun used in the attacks is a .223-caliber rifle.

HOUSTON (CBS Houston) The shooting suspect in one of the country’s most deadliest school shootings in history has been identified as Ryan Lanza; authorities identified him Friday afternoon.
Twenty-four-year-old Lanza is suspected of killing 26 people including 18 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut Friday morning. There are also reports that among the dead include Lanza’s mother who was a teacher at the elementary school.
The shooting suspect was killed during the rampage and several others were injured.
Additional reports indicate that the gunman was wearing dark-colored clothing, a mask and a bulletproof vest. The shooter was also carrying four guns.
The masked gunman entered the school administration office just before 10 a.m., The first 911 call was received by police one minute later. The gunman reportedly fired his weapon at least 100 times.
Students inside the building were escorted out in a single-file line. Many students reported hearing “booming” noises.
Further reports indicate that Sandy Hook Elementary has approximately 626 students enrolled in kindergarten through fourth grade classes; the school also has 46 faculty members.
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