当地时间2012年8月22日,英国布赖顿海滩,一名金发女子和一名男子光天化日之下在海滩上公然做爱,令路过的大人小孩们震惊。星期天的早上,Simon Cummins和朋友们走在码头的人行道上,他前一天晚上参加了一场男性聚会,但是早上9点就起来了,准备取车去看一场慈善足球赛。当他们经过著名的布赖顿海滩时,看到一个丰满的金发女子坐在一个男人的身体上,还发出很大的叫床声,甚至有路人在旁边围观。

'Horrible': Police who approached the party made two arrests before issuing on-the-spot fines

Debauched display: Simon said several men approached the couple and one attempted to join in

Brighton bonk: The amorous couple in action - as a curious crowd gathers

Outrageous ... couple's daytime romp on the sands at Brighton beach
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