来自美国佛罗里达州马盖特(Margate)的布莱恩・麦克奎因(Brian McGuinn)在扔掉一次性剃须刀时,无意中将送给妻子的订婚戒指一起扔掉。这枚镶有1.5克拉钻石的戒指价值1万美元,而且其感情价值无法估量。

Happy ending: Brian and Anna McGuinn were devastated when they realized that he had accidentally thrown out her engagement ring

Sent to the dump: Brian McGuinn, right, went searching for his wife Anna's ring after he realised he had thrown it out

The search: Brian McGuinn dug through the Pompano Beach landfill, pictured, for about 30 minutes before finding the ring

Priceless: Brian McGuinn accidentally threw his wife's $10,000 1.5-carat diamond engagement ring out with the rubbish
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