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伊朗呼吁英国克制 要求人权组织调查黑人被杀真相

www.sinoca.com 2011-08-09  

伊朗外交部发言人Ramin Mehmanparast

  伊朗外交部呼吁英国政府保持克制,要求英国政府与示威者进行对话, 并要求独立人权组织对黑人被射杀事件展开调查。

  Iran asks British government to start dialogue with protesters

  Iran has called on the British police to exercise restraint against people who it says are protesting at the killing of a black man in London.

  Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast urged the British government to order the police to stop their violent confrontation with the people, IRNA reported in the early hours of Tuesday.

  Mehmanparast asked the British government to start dialogue with the protesters and to listen to their demands in order to calm the situation down.

  The Iranian official also asked independent human rights organizations to investigate the killing in order to protect civil rights and civil liberties.

  The unrest began on Saturday when a few hundred people gathered outside a police station in Tottenham to protest against the fatal shooting of Mark Duggan on Thursday.

  The protesters also set a bus and buildings on fire on Tottenham High Road and broke many shop windows.

  Turmoil is now threatening to sweep across all of Britain as unfolding mayhem and looting has raged in the central city of Birmingham, the western city of Bristol, the northwestern city of Liverpool, and south London neighbourhood of Brixton.

  Police said they have arrested more than 200 people since the unrest began.

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上一篇:民众抗议在英伦疾速蔓延 已有一男子中枪身亡
下一篇:伦敦市民被当街扒光衣 政府出动装甲车镇压(组图)

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