涉嫌在挪威战后最大惨案中独自杀害93人的布列维克,他的父亲告诉「世界之路报」(Verdens Gang, VG),他感到相当震惊。
布列维克(Anders Behring Breivik)已经退休的父亲告诉「世界之路报」:「我在互联网上读新闻时,突然看到他的姓名和照片。」
目前住在法国的阎斯?布列维克(Jens Breivik)说:「我感到相当震惊,听到这项消息令人极端毛骨悚然。」
他表示对儿子的计画一无所悉,并解释说,从1995 年以后就没再与儿子联系了。

Family: Anders Behring Breivik (L) posted this picture at the bottom of his manifesto which is believed to be his sister Elisabeth and mother Wenche Behring

Manifesto of terror: Anders Behring Breivik poses in a wetsuit holding an automatic weapon in a YouTube video posted six hours before the deadly attacks

Poses: Breivik wore military style uniforms in photos included in the 12-minute YouTube video

Estranged: The house of Anders Behring Breivik's father Jens, in Cournanel, southern France

Arrival: French gendarmes at the house of Jens Breivik in Cournanel, southern France
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