据澳洲《星岛日报》报道,11日,在悉尼北莱德(North Ryde)发现的一起凶杀案,死者是一名华裔男子,警方指其同居女友暗中在老火汤中放下安眠药,待他熟睡时将他绑手绑脚,向他狂斩,并且割掉他的子孙根。男子满身刀伤,包括颚部及腿部,9日早上送院,延至晚上告不治。
警方指,48岁的事主彭贤(Xian Peng,译音)刚由中国回来,8日晚在前度同居女友陈建(Jian Chen,译音)在北莱德区鲁斯街Ruse St的家中寄居。警方指被告在汤中放下安眠药。事主喝下后,在梳化椅上睡着,被人绑起,然后被人狂斩,将阴茎割掉。

Sydney woman 'drugged partner, cut off his penis' By MSN NZ
陈健有两个孩子,一个年长的是与前夫所生,年幼的则是彭的儿子。12年前,她搬进这座两层的洋房,并于2009年7月做起海鲜进口生意――Ocean Meats Australia。
Drugged, mutilated, then cut
From: The Daily Telegraph
A WOMAN allegedly slipped sleeping tablets into her former de facto's dinner and waited for him to fall asleep before tying his hands and feet and cutting off his penis.
The man died in Royal North Shore Hospital from his injuries, including stab wounds to his jaw and leg.
Police said Xian Peng, 48, had returned from China for a visit and was at the home of his former de facto Jian Chen in North Ryde on Tuesday night.
Police allege Chen served her de facto soup laced with sleeping tablets.
Mr Peng then fell asleep on the couch where he was tied up before allegedly being stabbed a number of times and his penis severed.
It is alleged Chen rang triple-0 and ambulance officers arrived at the Ruse St home and called police. Chen, 47, was taken to Ryde police station and charged with grievous bodily harm with intent to murder.
Chen, who owns a $1 million home without any mortgage, appeared before Ryde Local Court on Wednesday and was refused bail. Mr Peng died at 6pm that day.
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Mr Peng was due to return to China yesterday.
Police are now expected to upgrade the charges to murder when the woman appears before Burwood Local Court on February 23.
Chen lived at the Ruse St property with her two sons.
The oldest, a teenager, was from her first marriage and the youngest was Mr Peng's son.
She moved into the double-storey brick house about 12 years ago and opened a seafood import business, Ocean Meats Australia, in July 2009.
Most residents describe Chen as a good but reserved neighbour and knew little about her life. They waved at her as she passed in her black Jeep in the street, and often saw trucks making business deliveries to the house. She kept the seafood in a large freezer in the backyard.
Chen's brother, his wife and their son visited at Christmas and the family celebrated with lunch at the home.
Other Chinese women were also regularly seen at the house.
"She got the groceries, she picked up the kids, she was in the garden, but there was nothing out of the ordinary with her," one neighbour said.
"I never saw the kids but I know they were there because I could hear them talking and playing kid's music."
Another said: "She was a nice woman, she waved hello and goodbye, but that was it."
Many were not aware of any trouble at the house until police knocked on their door on Wednesday morning.
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