Karen 2 minutes ago Report Abuse
Luck we're not last!
A Yahoo! User 3 minutes ago Report Abuse
I have heard that the best country in the world is actually Finland。 A lot of people did not even know that it was a country。 You won't hear it on the news a lot because it is doing so well。 Have you ever heard the term, "No news is good news"。 Well that is exactly how Finland is。 We (USA) are still in debt。 Even though we are rated the fifth or sixth best country in the world。。。we still aren't doing too good。

•Annaaaaa 6 minutes ago Report Abuse
Where is American pride? I agree, our days on the top of the food chain are numbered。 We will be slaves to China。
Annaaaaa 8 minutes ago Report Abuse
I blame our government。 We too could have mass transit and a bullet train。 Our government caters their own self interest。
•10 minutes ago Report Abuse
The United States economy is still a aways ahead of the Chinese, however they are catching up quickly and unless we make efforts to shore up our financials and retool our economy to compete in the global economy, we are screwed。
Also, our economy is more or less breaking into two parts。 Those who can afford a high quality education and have worked years at getting said high quality education ( and skills sets in general) and those who still believe in the idea that hard work and dedication are enough to achieve the good life。
I am not saying I like the system the way it is, but as best I can see, thats how it is。
•A Yahoo! User 16 minutes ago Report Abuse
i don't think so we have proud our nation because right now we already borrow $11 trillion。
•A Yahoo! User 9 hours ago Report Abuse
As a US Citizen I've seen the economy at it's best and worse。 I do agree that the products we get from China, hurts the US economy。 The question is, what fuels this need for high quality goods at a cheaper price。 The answer is the USA, everyone from the wealthy to the poor is always looking for the best deal。 That fact alone is what really hurts the US economy, and that recession that we're trying to break out of, added infinite amounts of fuel to the fire。
•jay 9 hours ago Report Abuse
Yea right。 This poll was conducted on Americans during a recession that they have been told is similar to the Great Depression。 This is nothing like the Great Depression。 Also, none of these people have been to China recently。 Want a job that pays 1 dollar a day。 Go to China。 That's economic prosperity for you。 Want to go to a place with no middle class。 Go to China。 1。4 billion people with about 50 million middle class!
•A Yahoo! User 9 hours ago Report Abuse
All great empires come to an end。 Just look back in history: the Egyptians, the Persians, the Romans, Alexander the Great, the Mongols, and the last one before America, the British。 The collapse of the American empire will be no different。 And like those before us, I wonder if the coming collapse will be by sheer incompetence。 We Americans are blinded by the arrogance of decades of historically unparalleled power via economic growth。 We are in denial。 We need to move out of denial into the next stage, acceptance。 Only then will we evolve, as all empires do, into the next phase of a peaceful existence。 Sorta like easing into retirement。 Lol。
Newclear 9 hours ago Report Abuse
This is just people buying into the media hype about China。 More people should take an economics course before rendering an opinion, You can't argue with numbers。 The US is still the 1,000,000 pound gorilla in the the economics room regardless of what is said for the sake of headlines。
•A Yahoo! User 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Americans constitute 5% of the world's population but consume 24% of the world's energy。
On average, one American consumes as much energy as
2 Japanese
6 Mexicans
13 Chinese
31 Indians
128 Bangladeshis
307 Tanzanians
370 Ethiopians
•A Yahoo! User 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Buy American made products and end China's march to being number one economy in the world。 American corporations need to bring back jobs to America。
•A Yahoo! User 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Americans eat 815 billion calories of food each day - that's roughly 200 billion more than needed - enough to feed 80 million people。 Americans throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily。 The average American generates 52 tons of garbage by age 75。 theres the problem
•A Yahoo! User 10 hours ago Report Abuse
ever notice that the hiring managers are usually overweight? have you?
•A Yahoo! User 10 hours ago Report Abuse
worked in manufacturing。 in 1988 i was making 18/hr。 now im doing the same job but at 12 an hour。 something is wrong right?
•Carlo 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Surprisingly most Americans still think the colleges and universities provide highest quality ( education ? )。
The reality is US is lagging very far behind in this area。
•A Yahoo! User 11 hours ago Report Abuse
China pretty much has one big customer, and if the people of that country stop buying China's products, then China's economy will go straight down the toilet。
•Mark K 11 hours ago Report Abuse
20 years from now, we will be behind China, S。 Korea, Japan and India and possibly even others。 America is in decline with no end in sight。
•11 hours ago Report Abuse
Theres no way for the U。S。 worker to compete against china/india because we earn 10X what they do, and todays corporate leaders are too shortsighted to care about the difference in quality versus cost savings。
•Mark K 11 hours ago Report Abuse
america will be no more than a footnote in history -- just another roman empire, come and gone。
•YMMV 11 hours ago Report Abuse
We people in the US are in denial, delusional, or both。
•A Yahoo! User 11 hours ago Report Abuse
Manufacturing jobs have gone overseas, then jobs like call center operators, those were the $30-50k a year jobs。 Now the $80-100K jobs in hi-tech, medical research, HR, F&A, accounts payable, project management are going overseas。 We won't be #2 for long。 We'll be #3 soon。
•A Yahoo! User 11 hours ago Report Abuse
Another problem that the USA is running into is competition from China for natural resources such as oil。 So China snooping into Latin America for oil exploration and development。 I think China is to extract oil from Cuba。
Mexico is a steady supplier of crude oil to the USA。 One of the very few friends left on this continent
Yahoo User 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Education is not valued in the US。 Too many kids come to school for social rather than academic interaction。 Too many parents do not support the schools/teachers, but expect the schools to be totally responsible for their child's education。
Lenardo 12 hours ago Report Abuse
As many as 30% to 50% of students in our major universities are foreign students going to school on your tax dollars while many of kids cannot get into the best schools。 Wake up America!!!!
YahooReader 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Manufacturing outsource to China and service outsource to India, there left no jobs in US。 Innovation is based on the expertise of people do the real hand on work, not the business people。
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