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www.sinoca.com 2016-09-06  澎湃新闻等

  在韩春雨和罗湘南提到的这篇《自然》杂志报道中,David Cyranoski提到的是,有一名不愿透露姓名的中国研究人员在几个细胞系中检测了NgAgo系统,结果显示NgAgo能在预期的位点诱导遗传突变。这位匿名的研究人员表示NgAgo系统的效率比CRISPR-Cas9低,但总的来说有效。David Cyranoski还提到,另两位匿名的中国学者表示有初步试压结果显示NgAgo有效,但是仍需要进一步测序确认。





  要进行可重复性实验,就要做好实验数据管理。对此,斯蒂芬提到了FigShare,一种分享开放科研数据的新方式。它是自然集团的姊妹公司数码科学(Digital Science)旗下的产品,可以让实验人员管理实验数据并快速分享。斯蒂芬表示,未来会鼓励科研人员使用这种数据管理软件,以帮助其他科研人员进行可重复性实验。

  自然杂志记者David Cyranoski邮件原文如下:

  I have not read the original article in Chinese so I cannot comment on that quotation from Dr. Han. There might have been some kind of miscommunication.

  What I can say is that my news article should not be taken as evidence that Dr Han' experiments are reproducible. I did not carry out any independent replication experiments, and thus cannot add any first-hand knowledge regarding the findings. My article does reflect that there are differences of opinion about the reproducibility of Dr Han's experiments, and as far as I know, that controversy has not yet been resolved.

  My work as part of the Nature news team and the Nature Biotechnology editorial team are distinct, so I cannot comment on that journals investigation into the matter.

  By the way, have you tried to confirm with Dr Han that he actually said that?


  The article published in Nature on August 8th is a piece of journalistic reporting by the Nature’s news team and should not be considered to be validation of the integrity of the research. Nature’s news team is editorially independent from the research editorial teams of Nature Biotechnology, the journal Nature and the other Nature-branded journals and any views or conclusions reported in news articles should not be considered to be the views of the research editorial teams.

  Nature Biotechnology is following established process to investigate the issues.

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