No.10 - Domination (her dominating you)

Women love a big strong man who can sweep them off their feet and carry them into the sunset -- but you may be surprised to learn that one of the top female sex fantasies is to have that same big strong man begging for sexual release in the bedroom. This involves tying you down to a bed while she forces you to pleasure her with your tongue; the entire scenario revolves around you worshipping her body and begging for her attention. Why? She gets to be in control while enjoying total devotion from her man in the process. What more could she want?
No.9 - Domination (you dominating her)

The advent of the metrosexual is most commonly blamed for this top 10 female sex fantasy. It seems that modern, independent women actually prefer real men who aren’t afraid to embrace their testosterone. This woman fantasizes about you pinning her down, thrusting her thighs apart with your knee and penetrating her as savagely as you possibly can. She wants to feel your fingers snake through her hair and pull her head back; she wants to feel your teeth on her shoulder; she wants to be owned -- if only while in the bedroom (after which, she’ll want a clear return to equality). This win-win female sex fantasy scenario allows her to fully indulge her femininity, while still espousing the merits of feminism. 都市美男的出现可以说是最不符合这个列表中的女性幻想的。比较独立的女性似乎更喜欢对蛋蛋自信的真男人。这种类型的女性总是幻想着你把他捆起来,用力的掰开她的大腿狂野的做着活塞运动。她想要你的手指迂回于她的发梢之间,将她的头推向后方;她希望感受到你的牙齿抵住她的肩膀;她希望被拥有——当然只是在床上了。这种互惠的女性性幻想场景可以让她在女性的标尺下,尽情的享受她的雌性的权利。
No.8 - Teacher/student

You’ll be thrilled to know that the Britney Spears fantasy isn’t just for men: Women love the idea of dressing up like a schoolgirl and parading about for your viewing pleasure. Many would even like to take it a step further, playing the naughty tart who won’t stop teasing you until you pull her over your knee and give her the spanking she craves. That’s right: Loads and loads of grown women fantasize about getting a proper spanking from their man. A spanking from you is exciting for two reasons: Not only does this mild show of dominance hurt so good, but it also usually leads straight into hot, hot sex.
当你知道布莱尼斯皮尔斯不仅仅对男性有性幻想之后你会不会激动不已?女性喜欢穿起来像个学生妹然后到处溜达享受你欣赏的目光。有人女性的这种幻想可能更严重一些,她们可能会扮成淘气的学生,如果你不把她们推倒打她们的屁股的话,她们是绝不会停止调戏你的。这就对了:大把大把的成年女性幻想着让他们的男人打屁股。你的击打可以从两个方面让她兴奋:这种也行的支配表演让她感觉良好,同时也会为难忘的后戏做好前戏。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/