《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)报道,根据多篇网络文章,美国1名女性多年前遭男友抛弃、赶出家门,而谷歌街景车就拍下她站在自己的车旁、脚边堆满“家当”的画面。
照片中,这名遭狠甩的女生抓着1个“维多利亚的秘密”(Victoria's Secret)包包,脚边还有许多包包、箱子、海滩椅,和1只看似绒毛狗狗的玩偶。

Dumped: This Google Streetview image posted on Reddit and Imgur on Thursday shows a woman who was purportedly kicked out by her now ex-boyfriend

Weird: This baffling snap captured by a Street View camera shows apparently naked man climbing into or out of the trunk of a Mercedes in Mannheim, south-west Germany, while a dog sprawls on the driveway

Bizarre: A man with a horse head was caught by a Google Streetview car in Aberdeen, Scotland. Horseboy, as he is now known, became an internet sensation after he was spotted by someone searching for an optician

Mishka Henner researched internet forums to find out where sex workers could be find in remote locations

Using the locations mentioned by men on forums, Mishka Henner used Google Street View to track them down
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