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全透明苹果店将亮相:似有还无 极简约设计(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2012-01-18  每日邮报

  苹果专门店纽约旗舰店透明设计让苹果迷惊叹后,计划在法国南部普罗旺斯地区艾克斯( Aix-in-Provence)再下一城,突破传统商店框框,玻璃全透明设计,让专门店融入周遭环境,似有还无,极度简约,成为全球最「酷」苹果店,料年底揭幕。

  The Apple Store in Aix will open in late 2012 - it's loosely modelled after the 'glass cube' look of the Fifth Avenue flagship store in New York

  The look of Apple's new Aix store is loosely modelled after the 'rebuild' of the Fifth Avenue store - an overhaul which cost Apple $6 million

  The Aix Store will be built and designed by Apple architects, joining an elite group of stores such as the New York and Shanghai flagships

  Apple's retail store in Shanghai, China, in the Pudong business district: The store opened in summer 2010, shortly after the 'new look' store in New York  

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