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www.sinoca.com 2011-10-12  每日邮报

  历史:El Caminito Del Rey,也被称为国王通道,初衷是为了方便工人在两座水力发电厂之间往来,但由于两名行人坠崖身亡,于2000年关闭。






  No walk in the park: The final stages of the path have fallen through so walkers must abseil down around 100 metres in order to complete the trail

  It will take three years to re-construct and will see the pathway completely rebuilt with hand rails, protective barriers, lighting and a visitors centre..

  One climber on the route last week said: 'It's a shame they're going to fix the path.

  'It will sanitise it too much and take the thrill out of it.

  'It's free for us to go on right now but I'm sure they'll make us pay to use it in the future.'


  Crumbling: Repair work to the 110-year-old park is due to start later this year


  Mind your step: The walkway is riddled with hundreds of holes

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