周三,在旧金山的一家苹果专卖店外,苹果公司员工Cory Moll手持一部iPad纪念乔布斯。Stephen Lam/Reuters

周三,软件工程师Steve Streza在位于旧金山的一家苹果专卖店外展示苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫・乔布斯的一张照片。Stephen Lam/Reuter

Surina Shukri在纽约一家苹果专卖店外点起蜡烛。

Fans and Apple enthusiasts gathered near stores and in their communities to pay their respects to the life and work of Steve Jobs.

Fans and Apple enthusiasts gathered near stores and in their communities to pay their respects to the life and work of Steve Jobs.

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