Prevention: A brisk 30 minute walk a day can protect against bowel cancer Regular exercise can significantly cut the risk of bowel cancer, research shows. Just 30 minutes of activity a day has been shown to reduce the chance of developing polyps growths which can become cancerous by a third. Scientists from Washington University School of Medicine found that people who took regular exercise were 30 per cent less likely to develop the larger polyps most at risk of becoming cancerous.

The study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, looked at data from 20 previously published pieces of work. Lead author Dr Kathleen Wolin said: ‘Exercise has many benefits, including boosting the immune system, decreasing inflammation in the bowel and helping to reduce insulin levels.’ Bowel cancer is the third most common form of the disease, and the second most common among women. There are around 38,600 cases a year in the UK. The researchers analysed data from 20 existing studies and found people who lead sedentary lifestyles are more likely to have growths.
据悉,这项实验结果发表在《英国癌症杂志》期刊上,有专家Dr Kathleen Wolin 说:“锻炼有许多益处,包括提高自身免疫系统抵御外界侵蚀的能力、降低体内胰岛素水平并减少肠道炎症的机率等等。”据悉,大肠癌是第三大癌症,而且女性发病的机率会很高。在英国,这种疾病的数量异常庞大,每年共有3万8千多的类似案例发生,研究人员经过调查证实,有“久坐的不良生活习惯”的人群最容易患上此类疾病。看来,亚健康生活带来的弊端越来越显现了,而且城市白领的亚健康趋势呈上升趋势,我们要意识到,需要社会关注的问题不仅仅局限于大肠癌而已了。
People who took regular exercise were 16 per cent less likely to develop bowel polyps and 30 per cent less likely to develop large or advanced polyps which are more likely to develop into cancer. Professor Wolin said: 'We've long known that an active lifestyle can protect against bowel cancer but this study is the first to look at all the available evidence and show that a reduction in bowel polyps is the most likely explanation for this.
有数据显示,每日能做有规律运动的人比不愿意运动的人患上大肠癌的机率低16%,而胃肠道长息肉的机率也大大减少30%。教授 Wolin 说:“虽然我们都知道有规律的运动可以减少患上大肠癌的机率,但是这次的实验是首次提供具体数据证实了我们的假想。”