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成人更聪明?美国学龄前儿童测试题 猜出来了吗?

www.sinoca.com 2011-02-07  网易教育论坛


  Which way is the bus below traveling? (下面的巴士往那边开动?)

  To the left or to the right?(左边或右边?)

  Cant make up your mind? (你无法决定吗?)

  Look carefully at the picture again. (请再仔细瞧瞧图片吧!)

  Still dont know? ( 还是不知道吗?)

  Pre-schoolers all over the United States

  were shown this picture asked the same question.


  90% of the pre-schoolers gave this answer.

  The bus is traveling to the left.


  When asked, Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?


  They answered: Because you cant see the door to get on the bus.


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