脸书(Facebook)创办人祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)身为全球最年轻的亿万富豪,最近搬了新家,而且不是买、仍是租,房子比起其他富豪的豪宅,称得上相当朴实,只比和女友Priscilla Chan同居的旧家多出一个房间而已。
祖克伯每天花16个小时待在办公室,他的新家和旧家相距大约800公尺,更接近脸书公司总部,只要沿着街过7个街口就到;而比起祖克伯的简单生活,同为亿万富豪的Google创办人佩奇(Larry Page),则曾花了4500万美元买了一艘二手游艇!
Home from home: This is said to be the modest rental home Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg is moving into in California
And, remarkably, he hasn’t bought it he is renting.
Earlier this month Mr Zuckerberg named by Time magazine as the most influential figure on the planet doubled his wealth after a huge cash injection into his company by investment bank Goldman Sachs.

Not far from the neighbours: The Facebook founder's house has been covered in security cameras to help protect the internet billionaire

Hoop dreams: Zuckerberg has a very small area in which to shoot baskets - couldn't he have built himself a court?

On street parking: Depsite having space at the side of his house, Zuckerberg parks his black Acura car on the road

Facebook HQ: Zuckerberg's new house is just round the corner from his office where he reportedly spends 16 hours a day

Kiss: Seen here outside his old nearby rented property with girlfriend Priscilla Chan during an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show last September

Unremarkable: The old gaff seven blocks away

While Mark Zuckerberg makes do with a rented five-bedroom home, Larry Page splashed out $45m on the 193-foot Senses yacht that first set sail in 1999
NBC调侃Facebook CEO新居照 披露更多细节

Facebook CEO新居更多细节被披露
Facebook CEO马克・扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)近日乔迁新居,美国全国广播公司(NBC)披露了这所住宅的更多细节。
扎克伯格的新居位于帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)的大学城附近,距离旧居只有7个街区。除了离办公地点更近外,它还能帮助这位全球最年轻的亿万富翁远离媒体的骚扰。
NBC利用美国房屋中介网站Realtor.com查询这所房屋的详细信息,并通过Google Maps获得一张外景照片。有趣的是,NBC报道的标题是《侵犯隐私:Facebook CEO的新居照片》,暗含对Facebook去年引发的隐私纠纷的调侃。
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