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www.sinoca.com 2010-12-21  世界经理人社区

  1,其一方舟子可能为D trends bioinformatics做过part-time. D trends bioinformatics 的最大客户之一就是孟山都。 该公司的宗旨有两个: 1) provides professional consulting to help accelerate the process of identifying and communicating biological, chemical and healthcare information,提供专业咨询,帮助加快确认和交流生物,化学和医疗信息。这和方舟子发科普推广转基因作物的内容很相似。

  and 2) provides professional market and financial information in these sectors to permit timely judgments and decisions by users of the information.提供专业市场和财务信息,以使利用这些信息者可以作出及时的决策。

  该公司的最大客户:Eli Lilly and Company, Monsanto and Company, National Cancer Institute, McKinsey, Vaxa, Prudential, Malaysian government, Taiwan government, institutions in China, institutions in India, United Nations, and others.

  2, 方舟子第一个博士后同实验室有一个博士生现在就在孟山都做research scientist, 其人英文名叫Long Gu, 估计是顾龙。


  dtrend的网站上保留了亦明的两页文章 (正好是方舟子关于他和dtrends无关的文章)。


  http://www.dtrends.com/Chinese/blog_corr2.html加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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