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www.sinoca.com 2010-10-23  

  Osim; Hilarious “Sleeping” Kungfu China Ads.

  Picked these up from LRB Forums; it’s a collection of “sleeping action” shots of typical Chinese acrobatic/kungfu activities done in a sleeping position. Smartly done; each model lies on the floor, wherein the set is set, and a simple 90 degree turn of the camera gives an effect of action while the model sleeps.

  Excellent display of product benefits in a culturally relevant way.

So Talented!

Kung fu KICK.

Flattened Lion, Sleeping Dancers.
加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:瑞士谷歌街景现超自然影像 耶稣空中显灵?(组图)
下一篇:太实用了!看生活中的这些小创意 有想到吗(组图)

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