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www.sinoca.com 2010-10-07  webdesignerdepot

  Photo manipulation is an ever evolving collaboration between photography and graphic design.

  Combining certain elements to create a unique image, that can convince even the most experienced set of eyes, requires a very creative set of skills.

  Because the manipulation of a photo gives a realistic view of an unreal picture, you should have an open mind when gathering ideas on how to get creative with your images.

  Photo manipulations are a great source for inspiration, generally because designers are able to express their creativity through various aspects of design.

  Several of the following images contain illustrative elements, while others display a more realistic approach.

  So here are 40 of the most incredible examples of photo manipulation.







































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上一篇:恐怖:英国种出巨大南瓜似异型 重达749公斤(图)

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