曾以创建「中式英文」博客www.chinglish.de而声名大噪的德国人Oliver Radtke讲过一个有关「小弟弟」的故事。他说,第一次到中国,在上海的出租车上发现一句提示「请带好随身物品」,下面一行的英文「Don't forget to carry your thing.」。这句从中文直译的句子初看没有什么不对,但实际上在英语语言文化中表达的意思却是,提醒男性乘客「别忘了带走你的『小弟弟』」,让人啼笑皆非。只要在thing后面加上一个s,就可免除这种尴尬。

同样的尴尬事,在上海的地铁内也曾遇到。例如,「先上后下,文明乘车」翻译成「After first under on, do riding with civility」;「如遇紧急情况请速拨打1234567」译为「Meeting critical situation asks velocity to poke striking …」,几乎就是中文直译,让人不知所云。
在「中式英文」中,最受人诟病的包括:Deformed man toilet (残疾人厕所,应为handicapped restroom);Airline Pulp (航空餐,应为foodserved aboard airlines);The slippery are very crafty (小心路滑,slippery when wet);If you are stolen, call the police(如果你被偷时,叫警察);Do not climb the rocketry (不要翻越石墙,rockwall)。
You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up! (你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!)
Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse's son can make hole! (龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生崽会打洞!)
How are you? How old are you? (怎么是你,怎么老是你?)
You ask me, me ask who? (你问我,我问谁?)
Heart flower angry open. (心花怒放)
No three no four. (不三不四)
Fucking goods. (干(乾)货)。

让我们做鸟类的朋友:曾被译为“let us do the birds friend”, 正确翻译应为"Let us all be friends with the birds"。

小草默默含羞笑,过往游客莫打扰:曾被译为“please keep off the grass”,没有体现出诗情画意,正确翻译应为“We are tiny, we are shy. Step on us and we will die.”或“We are tiny, we are shy. Without trampling you pass by.”
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