最新消息:据中国日报网报道 美国军方在社交网站“twitter”发布消息称,枪手在海军海洋系统总统大楼内开了3枪,导致至少一人受伤。而当地电视台援引警方发言人的话称,有5名伤者,其中包括一名警察。有知情者称,伤者情况危急。
中新网9月16日电 据外电报道,美国海军称,美国海军华盛顿基地指挥部大楼16日发生枪击事件,造成至少1人受伤,目前凶手仍逍遥法外。
枪手在逃 华府部分地区封锁
目前已有一名伤者送往华盛顿大学医院,由于枪击事件发生在上班尖峰时间,附近办公大楼内有数千人在工作,华盛顿市长葛瑞(Vincent Gray)呼吁民众尽量留在家中。根据现场民众拍到的照片显示,目前送医的伤者是在地铁站附近被长枪击伤,美国《有线电视新闻网》(CNN)报导指出,子弹是由附近大楼的4楼击发。
根据《法新社》的最新消息,华盛顿雷根机场(Reagan National Airport)已经立即暂停班机起飞,但空中要降落的班机仍可正常降落。

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C.

Police believe they have pinned down a shooter who has been firing at people in the Washington Navy Yard Monday morning, wounding at least 10 people.
Police said that they believe the shooter is somewhere between the third and fourth floors of one of the buildings on the installation in Southeast Washington, but they declined to identify it further.
As hundreds of police officers from various agencies converged on the scene, officials at Reagan National Airport ordered all outgoing flights held.
Police on the scene said eight civilians were shot, along with the two police officers. One is a D.C. Metro Police officer who was shot two times in the leg, police said. The other officer worked at the base.
A Navy Yard employee reached by telephone shortly before 10 a.m. said employees are still being told to shelter in place. She did not hear the shots, but described sirens, SWAT teams, Marines and a helicopter responding.
The U.S. Navy said that three shots were fired around 8:20 a.m. at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building, where about 3,000 people work.
Police closed the 11th St Bridge as well as M St SE between 2nd and 4th streets SE due to the shooting. Entrances to the Navy Yard Metro station remain open.
U.S. Capitol Police confirmed enhanced security at the Capitol, but no immediate threat.
Tyler Elementary School at 10th and G streets in Southeast is on lockdown.
As helicopters circled overhead and emergency vehicles continued to rush to the scene, crowds of onlookers gathered on sidewalks and at a construction site near the Navy Yard, but police pushed them back, yelling at them to keep a distance from the grounds.
One employee who declined to give his name said he heard “blam, blam” inside one of the buildings, then someone pulled the fire alarm.
“We aren’t going back on base today,” he said. “[But] there are still people inside.”
Reports began circulating around 9:30 a.m. that the suspect was “down,” but D.C. police said the suspect is still on the loose and “hiding between floors.”
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