一个在叙利亚各个城市报道军行动的半岛电视台女记者Ghada Oweis最近返回了卡塔尔,原因是Al Nusra前线的一个指挥官在阿勒颇强奸了她。埃及日报Al-Nahar报道说这名女记者一直站在反对派这边,并将报道传回卡塔尔。
几天前 Salafist group的指挥官发出采访邀请,之后她来到了指挥官的办公室。奇怪的是,Al-Nusra的民兵不允许她的摄像师进入办公室。

返回卡塔尔后,Ghada Oweis要求惩罚这名指挥官。而半岛电视台则希望通过压力和赔偿让女记者息事宁人,从而维持叙反对派的良好形象。
A female Al Jazeera correspondent, who is covering the terrorist activities from different cities in Syria for months, was quickly moved to Qatar, after one of the commanders of Al Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group, raped her in Aleppo. Egyptian daily Al-Nahar reported that Ghada Oweis, Al Jazeera correspondent, has long been working alongside terrorist groups opposed to Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo to send reports to Qatari network.
A few days ago on the invitation of one of the commanders of this Salafist group, she went to his office. Surprisingly however, the Al-Nusra militias did not allow her camera crews to enter the office.
And they took Ms. Oweis by force and told the crews to come back for interview tomorrow.
Al Jazeera correspondent was rushed out of Syria via Turkey, when it was discovered she was raped by the commander of Al-Nusra Front in Aleppo. She was transferred to Qatar later, she is emotionally in shock.
Returning to Qatar, Ghada Oweis demanded justice and asked the senior leaders of Al-Nusra group to punish this commander. Reportedly Al Jazeera is trying to prevent the reporter from affirming the news by ways of pressure and payments of huge amount of money to maintain the good image of the terrorists fighting in Syria.
The terrorist militias in Syria have been committing numerous acts of violence and shameless atrocities against the civilians, by using a Fatwa; issued by one of the Muftis of Salafists, that militias fighting in Syria can force women to ‘Jihad al Nikah’ (Girls must participate in "marriage" to fulfill their Jihad obligations in Syria).
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