Posted: Nov 19, 2012 2012年11月19日 INS Viraat, Indian navy's lone aircraft carrier suffers collision off Kerala coast, reveal sources 有消息显示印度海军唯一的一艘航母维拉特号在喀拉拉邦(Kerala)沿岸遭受撞击。

A Kerala state owned boat ferrying about 100 passengers rammed into aircraft carrier INS Viraat here, naval sources said today. 海军消息来源说,一艘载有约100名乘客的喀拉拉邦国营渡船撞向航母维拉特号。

However, no one was injured and there was no damage to Viraat, which is here as part of its periodic and scheduled maintenance, the sources said. 消息人士说,目前没有人受伤,并没有损害维拉特号,维拉特号在这里进行其周期计划维修工作。

这起事件发生在昨天德国邮轮'Celebrity Solistice'号即将踏上前往马来西亚巴生港的旅程时。上周六 'Celebrity Solistice'号邮轮带着约2800游客和1250名船员来到这里。

It is suspected the boat got caught in waves generated by propellers of the liner and rammed into the naval vessel 怀疑是渡船被'Celebrity Solistice'号邮轮的螺旋桨所产生的海浪抓住于是撞向了军舰。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/