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美士兵阿富汗遇路边炸弹身亡 两妻一女友携子现身

www.sinoca.com 2012-05-09  dailymail

  Distraught: Ruth Bayona sits with her husband's father Carlos Gonzalez (left) at the Inglewood cemetery and speaking at Saint Matthias Catholic Church in Huntington Park

  Distraught: Moises Gonzalez's first wife Darlene (right) sat with his eldest son at the funeral while an unknown woman and other boy sat beside them

  Tribute: Family and friends gather at the funeral of Sgt Gonzalez in California

  The wives sat together in the front pew at Saint Matthias Catholic Church in Huntington Park yesterday.

  They exchanged no more than a glance and did not try to comfort each other but sat at opposite ends of the row, tending to their sons.

  Garcia was too overcome with emotion following the funeral, but Bayona told Channel 17: 'I'm sad, but I know in my heart that's not him. I feel like he's still in Afghanistan, that's how I feel.'

  Divided duties: Sgt Gonzalez's second wife Ruth with his youngest son Moises (left) and his first wife Darlene receives his folded flag at the cemetery

  Second time around: Army Specialist Moises J Gonzalez married Ruth Bayona in Las Vegas in 2010

  She told the station that she only realised that she was not her husband's only wife from another soldier, when she went to claim his body.  

  At the Inglewood cemetery, Sgt Gonzalez was buried near his grandparents.

  Bayona sat with her late husband's father Carlos Gonzalez, who told the TV station that his son was a 'good boy', while Darlene Garcia sat separately.

  The soldier's folded flag was presented to his first wife, who will also receive his Army benefits.

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