网友:赶走卡扎菲,利比亚是否犯了一个巨大的错误? |
www.sinoca.com 2011-09-13 龙腾网 |
翻译:贱宗首席弟子 正文翻译:
I have been studying Libya since this uprising started and i can't shake off the feeling that Libyans may have been ungrateful to Gaddafi. Libya was country that for the past 41 years prospered and was never in debt. However in the last 6 months Libya has become a debtor not to mention the number of infrastructure destroyed by NATO bombs. If care is not take the new Government of Libya will have to borrow from the west to repair their infrastructure. 这次起义发生前,我曾经在利比亚学习过。我不能摆脱这种感觉:利比亚对卡扎菲是忘恩负义的。41年来利比亚是一个独立自主的国家,从未欠过任何外债。然而过去的六个月,利比亚成为了债务国,更不用提那些被北约炸弹摧毁的数量巨大的基础设施。不出意外,利比亚新政权肯定会为了重建基础设施而向西方举债。
If you look at some of the good things Gaddafi as done as indicated below you will agree with me that Nigerians would have appreciated a leader like this. Don't get me wrong, Gaddafi has got his faults but he was a leader that provided the basics for his people. 如果你同意下面我所列的这些卡扎菲做的好事情,那么尼日利亚人会对一个如卡扎菲一样的领袖点头赞许。别误解我,卡扎菲已为他犯下的错付出代价了,但是他依旧是一个为他的人们提供基础设施的领袖。
Here are the GOOD and BAD of Gaddafi's rule. 下面是卡扎菲统治下的好与坏。
The GOOD 好的方面
1. The government of Muammar brought the Libyan government from poverty and debt, to prosperity and debt-free status in 41 years 41年来卡扎菲政权将利比亚从贫穷和债务中拖出来,成为一个繁荣、无外债的国家。
2. Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya. 在利比亚从小学到大学,教育免费。
3. Healthcare is free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals are comparable to high-quality European facilities. 医疗免费,利比亚的制药业和医院设施与欧洲一样高质量。
4. Libya ranks No. 53 on the United Nations Index of Human Development. 在联合国的人类发展指数上,利比亚排名第53位。
5. Libya has the highest standard of living in Africa (even better than South Africa,Mauritius and Seychelles). 在非洲,利比亚有着最高标准的生活水平(甚至比南非,毛里求斯和塞舌尔群岛要高)
6. Libya gives free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land. 利比亚免费提供任何想要耕作的人的土地种子。
7. There is virtually no homelessness in Libya as everyone is given a home. 事实上在利比亚所有无家可归的人都能领到房子。
8. Women in Libya have equal rights, not only as a philosophy, but in practice. 利比亚妇女有平等的权利,不仅仅是写在纸上的理论,实际也是如此。
9. Under Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program, each Libyan gets $500 (Dollars) deposited into his or her bank account each month. 在卡扎菲的 石油收益分享计划中,每个利比亚人每月银行户头会收到500美元。
10. On marriage, each couple is gifted $60,000 to do with as they please 每对利比亚夫妇新婚,政府会赠与60000美元作为礼物。
I could list a few more but my point is that here in Nigeria we are yet to really enjoy any if not all of the the above. 我还可以继续写下去,我的观点是,如果上述福利我们尼日利亚人能享受到,哪怕只是一部分,我们也会很高兴。
The bad: 坏的方面
Lack of democracy, opposition movements have always been dealt with harshly 缺乏民主,反对政府通常会遭到严厉的制裁。
The state was virtually family owned 国家实际上掌控在卡扎菲家族手中。
Military involvement and meddling in other North African countries as well as support for despots like Charles Taylor. 在军事上干预北非其他国家,支持像Charles Taylor这样的独裁者。
My opinion is that the whole debacle over the West meddling in Libya has nothing to do with oil but more to do with control in the middle east as well as causing chaos in those countries that always had major issues with Israel. 对于西方干预造成的灾难,我的观点是,他们不仅仅是为了石油,更多的是为了控制中东,在这些国家制造混乱,这样对以色列更有益。
Read between the lines people. I do not condone dictators don't get me wrong but it appears the West chooses which dictators to support ( Dubai has no democracy what so ever, they do not have elections), depending on who is willing to bend over. 正在阅读的朋友,我并不是支持独裁者,请不要误解我。不过似乎西方会选择一些独裁者去支持(迪拜也没有民主,他们甚至没法参与选举),选择的标准取决于是否向西方卑公开屈膝。 加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/
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