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www.sinoca.com 2011-08-22  路透社

  据英国路透社8月22日1点32分消息,卡塔尔半岛电视台报道称,卡扎菲长子默罕默德(Mohammed Gaddafi )在卡扎菲支持者帮助下逃出了其遭软禁的处所。



  Aug 22 (Reuters) - Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi helped his son Mohammed flee house arrest on Monday, Al Jazeera television reported, as rebels sought to secure full control of the capital Tripoli.

  Mohammed Gaddafi was among three of Gaddafi's sons to be captured by the rebels. The loyalist fighters stormed the house where Mohammed was held and set him free after clashes with guards there, the pan-Arab news channel said.

  It said NATO was working with the rebels to mount coordinated air strikes on Muammar Gaddafi's heavily fortified Bab al-Aziziya compound in the capital. (Reporting by Omar Fahmy; Writing by Tom Pfeiffer)

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