Yundi 和 Andrew Davis 版的肖一一直是我心中的最佳版本之一,李斯特协奏曲、谐谑曲、普二、夜曲也都是很优秀的录音。
听了几遍录音,Yundi 同学的车祸过程大概是这样的:
从弹到第一乐章发展部第二部分(49 秒),也就是 424 小节开始错的。(录音质量很差,以至于在 421 小节听到一个诡异的单簧管声音,我印象里没这么突出(没查总谱,不知道是否准确))。
钢琴从 424 小节开始,毫无征兆的跳到了 448 小节……也就是左手快速下行半音阶的那个地方,一直弹到了 455 小节。
5 秒钟后,开始意识到错误,试图直接弹到发展部结尾来结束此段华彩(猜想)。然而,我听到的是展开部之前的那段的结尾,第二呈示部之后的连接部分,也就是从 323 小节开始的,以双手颤音结束(这点与小提琴首席所述略有出入,这部分和乐章结尾处很相似,然而并不是乐章结尾)。
在这个过程中,乐团没什么演奏任务(估计一个个都在翻谱找钢琴家弹到哪了),在钢琴颤音结束后,(如首席描述的那样)一部分小提琴勇敢的进入了乐队演奏部分,然而进错了。此时钢琴早已穿越回到了两分钟之前,小提琴们则是在演奏发展部结束的地方(486 小节)。所以听上去很不和谐。
1 分 20 秒处突然停了,可能是大卫罗伯森看不下去了……(猜测)和钢琴家交涉,(这恐怖的 5 秒的寂静)然后就从 385 小节发展部开始重弹了。所以你会发现录音开头和 1 分 50 秒是一样的。
大致的过程就是这样,这部协奏曲钢琴负责 90%以上的任务,一旦出错,靠乐队根本救不回来。
好了,我听 Yundi 和 Andrew Davis 07 年的录音压压惊去……(那版真是完美)
The Sydney concertmaster Andrew Haveron clarifies:
We performed this concerto the previous day in Daegu. The performance went smoothly and was greeted rapturously by the audience who were clearly fans of his. The next day, in Seoul, he simply took a wrong turn and our harmonic progressions parted company (there is little else for an orchestra to do accompanying a Chopin concerto!). He tried to find his way back in, but in a piece such as this – where the soloist carries 90% of the musical argument – I can fully understand how difficult it is to find your way back into the middle of a long paragraph. He tried heading for the exit (musically speaking) by playing a couple of cadential bars prior to what he hoped was the next tutti.. But found the wrong tutti. You can hear my colleague Dene Olding valiantly come in with the next tutti entrance (from memory – we had a page or two to go) but that wasn’t the key our soloist had reached (he, I think, had found the very end of the movement, whilst we were still in the development). Thus things came to a stand still – without any say so or interference from our conductor – and Yundi bravely decided to try it all over again, this time with success. We finished the performance and the applause was generous and supportive. He declined to play an encore, but he had declined the previous day too.
He did not leave the stage until the end, and I am unaware of any blame being laid at anyone else.
It is a shame that this is the only bit of the concert available to hear – I cannot imagine that this is a legal recording. It has clearly been made available through schadenfreude alone.
云总试着重新跟乐团合上,但是失败了。首席说,像肖一这样 90%都靠钢琴家 carry 的协奏曲,半途弹丢了的确很难回到原路上啊。
Co-Concertmaster 小提琴家 Dene Olding (此处感谢 @Alexia 阿漠 指正)“勇敢地”(首席语)带领乐团跳到了云总出错的下一个齐奏开始处,首席估摸着大家估计跳了一两页谱子吧。然而却始终没和云总合在一起。首席猜测,大家还在乐章的发展部,而云总自己跳到了乐章的最结尾处。
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