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施瓦辛格玩恶作剧 假装终结者蜡像吓坏游客(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2015-06-21  网易

  "Don't bump my selfie stick!"

  Arnold Schwarzenegger pulled an epic prank on tourists in Hollywood: He dressed up in full Terminator garb, and then posed as his own wax figure at Madame Tussaud's.

  "He looks real," said one woman, posing for a photo.

  "That's because I am," he replied, causing her to leap about a foot in the air.

  He also walked Hollywood Boulevard -- which is always crawling with celebrity impersonators -- and barked his trademark lines at unsuspecting people, including a bus driver who did actually get out of his vehicle when the former Governator commanded him to.

  He even confronted another (obviously less impressive!) Terminator on the street!







  It was all for a good cause: The Terminator: Genisys star is raising awareness for After-School All Stars, a nationwide charity that gives kids somewhere to go after the school day ends. He's also giving someone the chance to win the opportunity to go as his date to the movie's premiere and read off some of his signature lines, like, "Come with me if you want to live."


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