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自拍新花样 欧美网友“原力扼喉”模式爆红(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-04-06  每日邮报


  'I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing': Admiral Conan Antonio Motti questioned Darth Vader and received a force choke in return in this famous Star Wars scene

  New meme: This was the first 'Vadering' picture to appear on Reddit

  It can be done with more than one person of course

  The power of the force can be mastered at any age

  Vadering can be achieved outside too. And a smile doesn't spoil the effect

  Some force chokes are more powerful than others加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:陈思齐整容照曝光 满脸扎针面肿鼻高判若两人(图)
下一篇:盘点好莱坞十大女星深V秀 红毯抢镜成必杀技(图)

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