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螺旋桨未停 美23岁女模下小飞机时被斩断臂(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2011-12-07  每日邮报





  On the scene: Lauren Scruggs, with her father Jeff and mother Cheryl who held her daughter while they waited for an air ambulance after she caught in the propeller of a plane

  Family: Lauren (left) with her father Jeff and twin sister Brittany is surrounded by loved ones at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas

  Trauma: The parents of Lauren Scruggs, Jeff and Cheryl, speak outside Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, about the extent of their daughter's horrific injuries

Prayers: Miss Scruggs' family has said she is currently resting peacefully in the ICU

  Tragic: Miss Scruggs suffered serious facial injuries when she climbed out of a 2011 Aviat Husky at the private airport in Texas (library picture)

  In the city: Lauren Scruggs has been working to build up her own fashion website and held interviews at New York Fashion Week

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