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www.sinoca.com 2011-04-01  

  John Yasuda, ‘05

  John Yasuda简历

  John Yasuda received his MPhil in Comparative Politics in 2007 with a focus on contemporary China. Financial support from the Contemporary China Studies Programme funded John's studies at Oxford and his fieldwork for a comparative project on soft power institutions in China and Japan. The comparative politics program provided both excellent instruction in political science methodology and Chinese contemporary politics. John greatly benefited from the Oxford program's unique commitment to Area Studies and the broader Comparative Politics field. The MPhil program's unique one-on-one tutorial system reinforced important political science concepts and provided ample opportunity to discuss his own research with senior faculty. Prior to his studies at Oxford, John Graduated with a B.A. in Government from Harvard University in 2005. John is currently pursuing his PhD in Political Science at the University California, Berkeley. His scholarly interests in China relate to China's institutional development in the reform era, informal institutions, and social movements.


  University of California - Berkeley, Attended 2007 - Present, Ph.D., Political Science

  Oxford University, Attended 2005 - 2007, Class of 2007, Master's Degree, Comparative Politics

  Harvard University, Attended 2001 - 2005, Class of 2005, Bachelor's Degree, Government


  PhD Candidate

  What I enjoy doing:

  Golf, Running, Christianity, eating

  Favorite Books:

  The Hobbit, The Legend of Bagger Vance, Life and Death in Shanghai, Pilgrim's Progress

  Favorite Movies:

  Chariots of Fire, A Few Good Men, Usual Suspects, Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail

  Favorite Music:

  Sinatra, Shane Bernard & Everett, Contemporary Christian, Chopin, Fitzgerald, Pavarotti, Misia, David Tao

  Favorite TV Shows:

  West Wing, Whose Line is it Anyway?

  Zodiac Sign:


  About Me:

  A Japanese-American born in San Franciscio

  raised in Hong Kong. Funny and spontaneous. Speaks

  Chinglish, Konglish, and Japlish on request.

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