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真的成国际章了 章子怡捐款门上了CNN新闻(图)

www.sinoca.com 2010-02-07  CNN

   中国女演员章子怡“捐款门”今天上了CNN ireport的新闻,但是稍后记者再查询该则CNN ireport新闻内容却已经被删除了,但是在google的搜索引擎里仍然可以找到该则新闻的标题。点击该则新闻的连接http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-404822#则出现This content is currently unavailable。

  Chinese Actress Suspected Embezzling Earthquake Relief Funds


  Chinese actress Zhang ziyi (Memoir of a Geisha, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) is being questioned by Chinese public about the whereabouts of a large amount of money that Zhang claimed had been donated to her charity in 2008 at the Sichuan China earthquake relief event hosted by her at the Cannes Movie Festivals in France.


  Zhang arrived in Cannes without an invitation from the festival to host a charity event to raise money to help victims of the 5.12 earthquake in Sichuan, China. Some famous names attended the event provided by Zhang's publicity included: Roberta Armani, Tamara Mellon, Moddona's manager Guy, Eric Mika, Thierry Fremaux, Christian Jeune, Chopard CEO Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele and Actor Christian Slater. (Names provided by Zhang's news release). Apparently several Chinese media were invited to the event but only one was appointed as the "official reports" -- sohu.com. It was reported by this web site that at least 1 million dollars in cash or checks were raised because "people were moved by Zhang's deep care and love to her country and her suffering people".


  All money was to be put into Zhang's Ziyi Foundation founded in the USA. But it's not until recently that the Chinese public found out that not a penny of this money can be proved to have been used in helping the earthquake area. In fact, the information about the Ziyi Foundation googled by the internet users in China shows that this foundation was founded in November, 2008 and had expired in May, 2009. And during the 6 months of its existence, no money could been found transfering in or out of it. Several charity or earthquake relieve orgnizations that Zhang claimed that had been working together with her foundation or had received funds from her foundation have stated that no money from the so called Ziyi Foundation has been received.


  A friend of Zhang's then boyfriend, American Vivi Nevo, told reporters that according to Nevo, this money and some more later raised by Zhang at a New York event had all been put in one of her personal bank accounts. Zhang's team has been promising to provide the public the financial reports of the Ziyi Foundation. But the promised date has been pushed back again and again. To this day, Zhang still hasn't provided any proof of this money ever being used in charity.

  章子怡当时男友,美国人VIVI NEVO,的一个朋友告诉记者,据NEVO说,那些钱以及事后章在纽约一次活动中募集到的钱,全部被存进了章的一个私人银行账户里。章子怡的团队已经许诺向公众提供其基金会的财务报告。但该承诺的日期一拖再拖。至今,章仍然没有提供任何证据证明上述钱款曾被用于了慈善事业。

  In a statement issued by Zhang about a week ago, Zhang

  said "it's a well known fact that at this kind of event, people only promise to donate a certain amount of money. The real money has to be collected later. I am still in the progress of collecting the money promised". This claim enraged the Chinese online community. The public felt they'd been made a fool of the first time she said she'd raised all those money to help the earthquake victims. Now they are lied to shamelessly again. Zhang's credit is in serious crisis now.

  (中译:在大约一周前章的声明中,章说:“众所周知,在这种事情上,人们仅仅承诺捐赠一定数量的捐款,实际捐款还需要事后落实。我至今仍在努力去收集这些承诺的捐款。” 这个声明激怒了中国网民公众。公众感觉,在章当初承诺她将筹措所有这些钱去帮助地震灾民时,就被欺骗了。现在他们又一次被(章)厚颜无耻地欺骗了。章目前处于严重信任危机中。”)

  Chinese public really wants to know what happened at Zhang's Charity event. Did the people who attended the event, including those named above, really just "promised to donate a certain amount of money" but didn't follow through? If they really donated money and trusted Zhang to deliver their good will, they have a right to know that they had been lied to and their money has never reached the people they intended to help.

  (中译:中国公众确实想知道,在章的慈善事业中,究竟发生了什么,那些参加了捐款事件,包括那些上述提到的捐款人姓名中,难道他们真是仅仅“承诺”捐助一定数量款项,而事后又没有落实?如果他们确实捐助了款项并且信任章去传递他们的(支援震灾的)美好愿望,他们有权利去知道(是否)他们已经被欺骗,而且他们的捐款从来没有到达他们想援助的人们手中。)加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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