不久前被陪审团一致裁定诈骗罪成的唐炜臻,其案件今天继续进行量刑聆讯,原本准备了一大篇量刑陈词的唐炜臻,刚刚读了几段就被法官叫停,法官奥玛华(Alfred O''Marra)对于唐炜臻量刑陈词中大肆攻击加拿大司法制度非常不满,奥玛华称,现在的情况是诈骗罪名成立,唐炜臻能够做的是围绕着量刑做如何符合自己利益的陈词,而不是做攻击加拿大司法制度的演讲。

其实唐炜臻身边的人都不同意他发表此量刑陈词,他的团队里的中坚分子William甚至对记者表示,这篇陈词完全起到反效果,可能会令法官反感,从而加重刑期,但是唐炜臻坚持要在庭上作此发言。协助其理顺法律程序的「法庭之友」律师宝施(Peter Boushy)也向法官澄清,发表这篇陈词不是他的意思,他只是帮唐炜臻改正了几个英文不通顺的地方,对于陈词里面的中文部分,完全不知说些什么。
检控官麦当劳(Gavin MacDonald)继续其穷追猛打的风格,今天在庭上希望法官宣布唐炜臻必须缴付共280万元款项,作为受害人基金,这笔款项包括了惩罚性罚款和赔偿给17名有份追讨损失的投资人的赔偿。

Why I have to go to jail? Nobody goes to jail because financial fraud in Canada, but I am anti-fraud and why I have to go to jail
The truth are Weizhen Tang ‘s 8 Simple Points
Before I came to Canada, everybody in China told me Canada is a free country, there are human rights, freedom, democracy and justice, I was very much looking forward to Canada. After my 20 years’ experience, Idea and things changed dramatically since the year of 2009 when I was first charged fraud by OSC, then the police until the crown attorney successfully secured and convicted me. It took almost 4 years to finish the process and the process was totally unfair.
我来加拿大之前,在中国人人都告诉我说加拿大是一个有人权,自由 民主,司法公正的国家,我们很向往加拿大,但自从2009年,我,唐炜臻,被指控欺诈罪以来,直到2012年10月30日,审判后罪名成立,近四年来的司法过程,我感到加拿大的司法对我极端不公平。
1, My case is big and well-known internationally, the problem is that I never had a lawyer retained and worked for me, it was very strange and unfair, I, Weizhen Tang, a legally disabled ordinary man was forced to represent myself and defend myself in court where I have to face numerous, well equipped, tax dollar financed, well prepared professionals, at least 10 professionals, is that fair?
第一, 一个所谓巨大的欺诈案件,整个司法过程,直到审判,我一直都没有辩护律师,这是很不公平的,近四年来,都是我被迫自辩,我是一个不懂法律的普通人,要面对十分专业的大量司法人才,证券会,检控官,律师,法律会计师,这公平吗?
2, In the past 4 years, all the investigators, forensic accountant, police, lawyers, crown attorneys, judges all were biased and prejudiced, disabled and isolated me,
This was happened exactly like Natasha Smith attacked by a ''group of animals'' who stripped her naked.
''Please God, make it stop!''
the British female journalist, 21, describes horrific sexual assault in Egypt''s Tahrir Square after election result
Only escaped after she was handed a burka and men''s clothes
''I was tossed around like fresh meat among starving lions''
OSC should knew from my trading records in brokerage accounts, bank transactions and found no money, money missing and defrauded, but they continue to use tax payers money and unlimited government resources to keep charging me. OSC frozen my investors’ trading account and my personal money for years, most of money belong to me and from my house backed line of credit, it is not investors’ money, more so not anything fraud, this fund could be used for my living expenses and defense in the last three years, but OSC destroyed my (family ) life and my defense on purpose and made all hard and difficult for me and my family and my investors, OSC made me have no lawyer (s).
第二, 在这四年中,检控官,律师,警察,会计师,法官都对我偏见。证券会应该从我的交易记录中,银行户头中,看到有没有骗钱,他们找不到,却仍然用纳税人的钱来不停地控告我,OSC冻结我的公司户头多年,其中的钱是我的房屋贷款的钱,不是投资人的钱,更不是所谓诈骗的钱。这些钱本来可以用于生活和请律师用,而他们这样做使我们生活十分艰难和痛苦,并且使我没有律师。
3, The crown attorney could not find any meaningful evidences, the defrauded money, they mislead the public and lying to the public said that I defrauded 60 million dollars and mislead the public that the investors ‘ loss and suffering, the financial impacts are all my fault, not because of the market meltdown, as crown attorneys who investigated financial fraud, they should know that 2008 financial tsunami was caused by greedy and massive fraud of the banks, millions of investors lost trillions of dollars in a single year and lost millions of homes and families, million lives were destroyed, why the crown attorney and investigators to investigate the banks and registered financial institutions and the system, the original creators of the crisis and find out where were the investors’ money gone and who took investors’ money, which I am certain that I did not take it, but to investigate and charge me, the victim.
第三, 检控官找不到有利的证据,诈骗的钱在哪里,他们仍然误导公众我诈骗6000万,并误导公众投资人的痛苦和损失是我诈骗造成的,而不是市场原因,作为一个检控官,他们应该知道2008年金融海啸是银行的贪婪所造成,当时有数千万人损失,很多人家破人亡,为什么检控官Macdonald Gavin and Robert Gattrel 不去监控银行,反而,监控我受害人,2008年的金融海啸损失超过数万,数万亿,为什么证券会不去追查投资人损失的钱到谁哪里去了,谁拿走聊投资人的钱,这些钱我肯定没有拿过。
4, The crown could not find any money and fraud, mislead the jury that I used investors’ money to pay my credit card of a few thousand dollars, is that not a joke, the credit card which a business credit and was for business. During the financial tsunami, turmoil, all the bank fund managers charges investors, while my normal operation expenses became fraud, a private manager managed over tens of million dollars and entitled to collect million dollars management fee over the three years, I collected nothing from investors and instead of collection and charges of fee, I gave my own money, personal savings of over a million dollars to my investors when the Oversea Chinese Fund Limited partnership was sinking and I successfully fixed the sinking ship, the crown did not see that and mislead the jury to convict me fraud of millions of dollars, not a minus million.
第四, 检控官找不到钱,误导陪审团说我用投资人的钱付信用卡,支付旅游和私人费用几百,上千块,是诈骗的钱,是笑话。2008年市场损失惨重时,所有的银行的基金经理照样收费,而我的一点正常开支变成了欺诈。一个管理数千万的基金经理,我有权收取管理费数百万的的管理费用,我都没有拿。检控官用几千块误导陪审团说挪用5000 就是欺诈罪,罪名成立。
5, The crown said I defrauded 52 million dollars, some times said 60 million dollars, and 2.82 million dollars, or OSC said 30 million dollars, 70 million dollars, or only over $5000, SEC had other numbers, I ‘d like to demand the crown attorney who investigated for years tell me and the public exactly how much? Is it over $5000, 50 million dollars or minus 50 million, how did you came up with the number and where is the money?
第五, 检控官说诈骗5000万,6000万,又是5000以上,我不知道我究竟诈骗多少钱,我强烈要求检控官告诉我和公众具体数字,几千还是几千万,钱在哪里,怎么算出来的。
6, OSC and Crown attorney never cared about investors and investors ‘ plan before, now the crown would like to give a fine of 2.84 million dollars to me to pay investors, where is the crown number came from, where is the money, did the crown have the money frozen somewhere? Where is it? The crown can not just lie in court and mislead the public. If there is no money, would government pay investors after spent and wasted tax payers millions to prosecute an innocent disabled businessman.
第六, 检控官说要罚我280万,成立一个受害人的基金,赔给投资人,这280万数字怎么来的,警察扣了吗?钱在哪里?如果没有钱,不是欺骗投资人和公众吗,怎么赔偿,怎么罚,检控官是不是在法庭误导和欺骗投资人和公众吗?
7, The crown attorney and all judges are biased and prejudice who isolated me from my investors and partners who are my own old connections, friends, some are successful businessman and businesswomen, millionaires in order to cut off my finance and legal resources so I do not have lawyers.
第七, 法官对我有偏见,在庭上庭下一再强调我不能接触我的投资人,这些投资人很多都是我的好朋好友,资深成功人士,他们并不需要法官的保护,法官,检控官的目的是孤立我,让我孤立无援,不能有钱请律师。
8, I wrote a book, hosted North Chinese Wealth Summit in Toronto, Chinese New Year Shows in Toronto, April 13 Ottawa Rally and A promise of 1% weekly return are criminal activities and should be jailed?
八, 我写书,出版,举办北美华人财富峰会,加拿大华人春节联欢晚会,推动4.13友好集会,承诺投资人每周1%回报违法,要坐牢吗?
加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/