未来省长会是谁?The Liberal Leadership Race
安省自由党竞逐党领的游戏,参赛人选大致已定,未来省长宝座,花落谁家,最终要等到明年l月25至27才会揭盅。 The Liberal party will choose Mr. McGuinty’s successor during the weekend of January 25-27, 2013。They will be elected by about 2500 liberal members at the Maple Leaf Gardens。
Those entered the race are almost complete. Their political background and past portfolio, their strengths and weaknesses are broadly as follows :候选人的背景、历练、倾向、强项、弱点, 如下初步分析。
最初起步的front-runner大热门,是来自多伦多的资深女议员韦恩,从政理念,倾向左倾 politically left-leaning and progressive。
她的重要履历是前任教育厅长,参选号召是和劳工业界大和解:She vows to find labour peace . Her plan is to repair the governing Liberals’ tattered relations with teachers and scrap plans to impose wage freezes on public-sector workers。她声明不赞成省长麦坚迪用法例强迫教师们就范的手法,She disagreed with McGuinty taking aim at teachers in Bill 115, which froze wages and limited collective bargaining rights, provoking a strong backlash。
引用她自己的说法 : “I think we’re going to see more agreements coming in.” “We can’t move ahead in addressing our fiscal issues without a good relationship with the workers of this province.”

2. SANDRA PUPATELLO 50岁( 普珀德萝)
另一位强势的热门候选人,a presumed front-runner, 16年资深议员、出色贸易厅长加上商场炙手可热的女强人普珀德萝:She left politics a year ago, and joined Pricewaterhouse-Coppers as vice president of business development。She was Cabinet minister of Development before she gave up re-election in 2011,今次捲土重返政坛,孤注一掷,不可言败:a big gamble for Pupatello, she can’t afford to lose!
Toronto Star《多伦多星报》专栏作家Martin Regg Cohn戏谑地说 :she used to be attack dog and now wants to be top dog: 昨天是反对党议员凌厉的攻击者,今天要做执政党夺魁的优胜者。She will be the most ferociously determined candidate in a field of sometimes ambivalent and indecisive rivals。形势被看高一线。
她的强项是口才出众a high-octane orator, she spoke without notes,又得到好朋友老同乡财政厅长邓肯力荐,she has the full support of Mr. Duncan优势加分。。
见诸她自己相当传神又自豪的一番话 : “This comeback is the most important thing for me personally, for my personal career. I had 16 great years for me personally. I had the time of my life as the minister for industry. I had a great year in the private sector.”
3. GLEN MURRAY 55岁 (简万里)
样貌相对年青,来自温尼柏的前市长former mayor of Winnipeg和多伦多选区的厅长简万里training, colleges, and universities minister, an MPP from Toronto。
他公然反对省长porogation终止省议会的做法,扬言当选的话,尽快重开: He wouldn’t wait to bring the legislature back if he becomes premier- unlike Pupatello who said she won’t bring the house back until she wins a race。He’d reopen parliament on February 19, 2013, when the legislature was initially scheduled to return。
引用他讨好民众的讲话:“We’ll be ready if the opposition forces an unwanted election- at the same time, there ‘s work to be done and let’s try and make minority government work.”
4. CHARLES SOUSA 54岁 (苏善民)
来自密西西加的厅长 Mississauga South MPP and cabinet minister of Citizenship and Immigration 现任移民厅长and has also served as Minister of Labour曾任劳工厅长的苏善民, 强调城市的声音vows to give cities a great voice,他的弱项是从政时间尚浅relatively short political experience, was first elected in 2007。
他的政治包袱,可能是力倡搬迁发电厂的后遗症:He has to defend his efforts to stop the two power plants for political gain, a not-in-my-backyard attitude。 他的辩驳理由是:“Communities that don’t want wind turbines or power plants should have a bigger say on where they’re located.” “I will take every step possible to ensure that the communities have a voice in anything that we do going forward. “ 他认为地区选民的心声,不可置诸不理。
5. ERIC HOSKIN 51岁 (贺施金)
一位与别不同的候选人,儿童及青少年事务厅长贺施金 cabinet minister of children and youth services,他的竞争弱点是政坛资历最浅very limited experience in politics, only elected in a 2009 by-election; 虽然知名度不高,但在外界的成就却不同凡响a celebrated humanitarian who started War Child Canada,从政前早是声名昭着的人道医生和出色学者,an Oxford-educated Rhodes Scholar,也有乡郊背景的优势:he is not just a big-city guy even though he represents the Toronto riding of St Paul’s and has lived in the city for years. He emphasized his rural roots in Simcoe, born and raised there。
引用贺医生自已的说法,他是非一般的政客::“Politics offers one perspective on the work that must be done. But life outside of politics, grounded in diverse experience, offer another.” “Together, I am confident that we can move our party forward with a strong compassionate leadership rooted in principled politics。” 连金牌饶舌歌手K’naan也在tweeter微博高调推荐他参选:“Good news 4 those who want humanity in politics.”
6. GERARD KENNEDY 52岁( 甘乃迪)
当中最可能令人意外的候选人是甘乃迪,a provincial MPP between 1996 and 2006 and a federal MP 2008 to 2011, one who may shake up the Liberal race and is positioning as an outsider,他以局外人的形象自居: ” People will accept from me that I wasn’t part of things that they think are problematic.” 企图和自由党这几年乌烟漳气的丑闻划清界线。
想当年,自由党形势大好,他担任过教育厅长,政绩口碑不俗,所以他扬言无须立法,也可以理顺今天省政府和教师对峙的恶劣关係:”I do not need legislation to get a good arrangement for teachers, students, parents and the public.”
他又强烈批评麦坚迪关闭议会手法独裁,主张早日重开:He would recall the prorogued legislature as soon as possible after the January 25-27 Ontario Liberal leadership convention。
本身是麦坚迪手下败将he lost to Premier McGuinty in the 1996 leadership race by just 140 votes,甘乃迪今日捲土重来,赢面不高,未被看好。
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