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杀妻犯牟钟鸣的量刑被宣布 只被判14年不得假释

www.sinoca.com 2012-10-13  








  The body of Yanting (Lancy) Hu, seen here in this photo supplied by the Burnaby RCMP, was found Aug. 27, 2011 by some boaters in the Fraser River near Steveston. She had last been seen at the Metropolis at Metrotown shopping centre on July 15. Hu’s husband, Zhongming (James) Mou, 35, has been sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 14 years for her murder.

  Photograph by: Contributed , BURNABY NOW

  NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. — A Burnaby, B.C., man has been sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 14 years for killing his wife and dumping her body in a suitcase in the Fraser River.

  A B.C. Supreme Court judge in New Westminster imposed the sentence on 36-year-old Zhongming “James” Mou on Friday.

  Mou was initially charged with first-degree murder in the death of 27-year-old Yating “Lancy” Hu, but pleaded guilty to second degree murder earlier this month.

  Hu vanished in July of 2011 and Mou gave police conflicting stories about her disappearance.

  Her body was found a month later in the Fraser River off Richmond.

  The couple’s two young children are now being cared by by Hu’s grandparents. (News1130)

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