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www.sinoca.com 2012-09-29  加国无忧

  (感谢网友Jimmy Wang发来的上述图片;拍摄地点为阿岗昆;时间为2012年9月23日)

  附:本周末秋季色彩工作室游(Fall Colour Studio Tours)

  与此同时,安省旅游局列出本周末(9月28- 30日)参与全省范围的“秋季色彩工作室游(Fall Colour Studio Tours)”的自驾游清单,让省民不仅有机会欣赏安省乡村秋天的美丽景色,而且可以访问的许多画家和艺术家的工作室。有兴趣者可以了解这方面的相关信息,从任何地方开始,任何地点结束,相关地点都会有显著的标识(signs):

  34th Annual Muskoka Autumn Studio Tour Sept. 29th and 30th

  Elora Fergus Studio Tour Sept. 29th and 30th

  21st Annual Apples and Art Tour, Cornwall and area, Sept. 28 and 29th

  Dundas Studio Tour, Sept. 29th and 30th

  Elliott Lake Arts Trail, Sept. 29th and 30th

  Georgina Studio Tour, Sept. 29th and 30th

  Haliburton Studio Tour, Sept. 29th and30th and Oct. 6th and 7th

  Madawaska Valley Studio Tour, Sept 29th and 30th

  19th Annual Autumn Leaves Studio Tour, Grey County, Owen Sound to Markdale Sept 29th and 30th

  Sarnia Lambton Artist Studio Tour, Sept. 29th and 30th

  22nd Annual Sudbury Art Studio Tour Sept. 29th and 30th

  15th Annual Tweed and Area Studio Tour Sept. 29th and 30th

  27th Annual Victoria County Studio Tour Sept. 29th and 30th and Oct. 6th and 7th

  24th Annual Mary Allen Studio Tour, Waterloo, Sept. 29th and 30th

  Bancroft and Area Studio Tour Sept. 29th and 30th

  Caledon Hills Studio Adventure Sept 28 to the 30th


  Ontario Fall Colour Report

加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:渥太华29日举办作家几米系列活动 可免费参加
下一篇:Highway 401昨夜发生车祸 摩托车手不幸丧命

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