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多伦多湖滨国家展览馆爆炸事件 2车受损无人伤亡

www.sinoca.com 2012-08-24  


  事发在Ontario Dr夹Princess Blvd附近的1个停车场,最初的报道说是1个丙烷储罐发生爆炸,但多伦多警方和消防当局经调查后认为,是1部发电机发生爆炸,其碎片撒满50到60米的范围。目前警方将事故现场附近封锁,但CNE的发言人表示,事件不会对展览馆的活动造成影响,届时CNE会照常开放迎客。

  TORONTO, Ont. - A pair of trailers have been damaged after a small explosion at the CNE early Friday morning.

  There were no reports of injuries, but the explosion was felt several blocks away and debris was scattered around an area near the back of the CNE.

  Reports indicate the explosion may have been in some sort of food truck, however it was not clear if it was propane related or a generator.

  The metal trailer where the explosion happened was completely destroyed, while another nearby trailer was badly dented.

  The area near the explosion, which is in-between two parking lots at the back of the grounds, is taped off and the Fire Marshall is investigating.

  Also called to the scene was the ETF explosive-removal unit, although it appears they were only called as a precaution.

  Initial estimates peg the damage at approximately $30,000.

  The CNE is expected to open Friday without any problems.

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