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温哥华200女子参加荡妇大游行 吁停止责备受害者

www.sinoca.com 2012-07-02  明报


SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012.

SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds like (l-r) Tara copeland and forrest Wakarchuk gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012.

SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012. The protest started after aToronto Police officer  referred to women and survivors of sexual assault as “sluts” and suggested women ‘dressing like sluts’ were inviting their own victimization.

SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012. The protest started after aToronto Police officer  referred to women and survivors of sexual assault as “sluts” and suggested women ‘dressing like sluts’ were inviting their own victimization.

SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012. The protest started after aToronto Police officer  referred to women and survivors of sexual assault as “sluts” and suggested women ‘dressing like sluts’ were inviting their own victimization.

SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012. The protest started after aToronto Police officer  referred to women and survivors of sexual assault as “sluts” and suggested women ‘dressing like sluts’ were inviting their own victimization.

SlutWalk Vancouver began as a small idea in 2011 to fight back against victim-blaming and slut-shaming around sexual violence hundreds gather infront of the Vancouver Art gallery for a march on Saturday, June, 30 2012. The protest started after aToronto Police officer  referred to women and survivors of sexual assault as “sluts” and suggested women ‘dressing like sluts’ were inviting their own victimization.
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上一篇:温哥华一对匿名老夫妻 慨捐3千万 重启收容中心
下一篇:多市2岁女童安坐在车内 腿部竟中枪 幸伤势不重

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