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www.sinoca.com 2012-06-18  加国无忧


  BANNING THE PLASTIC BAG: The battle of the bag is far from over

  多伦多步一些国家和城市的后尘,例如德国和爱尔兰、西雅图和洛杉矶,徵收bag tax“胶袋税”,引起全国零售业阵阵涟漪之后,6月7日,多伦多市议会,再下一城,通过to ban bags outright全面禁止胶袋的动议,2013年1月1日生效,对市民和零售业的迴响,it is a mixed bag,毁誉参半,但报章的社论和评论,却相当一面倒 ,劣评如潮。

  禁胶袋的反对者认为行动hasty, damaging and unnecessary:过于轻率、会带来损害、多此一举等等。例如,有店主批评the ban is“ ridiculous”行径荒谬,指出用纸袋代替胶袋不可行,不但加重成本,也不切实际:If they force us to get rid of a bag , we pay two cents for and replace it with a 20-cebts bag,两角换上两仙的成本,而且,湿货怎样解决呢?The ban is too soon: 2003年1月1日的期限太短,太快实施。一些商号,如果有大量胶袋存货,怎麽办?总的来说,零售业认为市议员reckless and irresponsible:不负责任、鲁莽、不计后果、不负责任。

  Mayor Ford市长福特形容市议员的动议“ludicrous”荒谬,他即时的反应是“This is stupid ”,誓言要想方设法,努力将决定推翻。他又在电台节目说the dumbest thing council has done:市议员愚不可及,无以复加。

  6月8日Toronto Sun《多伦多太阳报》的社论,标题是 Put a bag over their heads:,形象化又语带双关,用上有趣的比喻:社论第一段便亳不客气斥责27个赞成禁胶袋的议员,串连合演一齣政治闹剧:The vote to ban plastic bags is resulted from a bizarre political convergence on council,,更严重的是他们行事草率,未有考虑过以下一连串问题,便匆匆通过影响深远的政策:

  Among the relevant questions: Do Torontonians favour a ban? Can the city legally enforce it? How many jobs will be lost? What’s been the experience of major U.S. cities that banned plastic bags, given that Toronto will be the first major Canadian city to do so?

  Globe and Mail《环球邮报》同一天的社论,标题是Toronto politics: City hall gone wild(市议会疯了 ):The councillors are behaving madly, like nobody is controlling them,下笔很重,认为councillors run amok,市议员疯了,社论内容指出:整件事最令人担心的是: The cause for concern has less to do with the policy itself-than the on-the-fly manner in which it was adopted by Toronto’s council:过程急就章,市议会行事冲动,政策是否明智,还算其次。因为禁胶袋的政策一旦on -the- fly匆忙中 通过了,执行时,便有可能面对法律诉讼的挑战。正如National Post《国家邮报》当天放在头版的评论,标题是:Council gets carried away,明指市议会冲昏头脑,太激动,失去了自制能力。作者Terence Corcoran认为a bunch of dumb city councilors suddenly decided to stage a surprise vote-seemingly out of the blue,一切来得太突然,睛天霹雳似的:

  “Ban the bags,” somebody said. “Good idea. Let’s vote!” Passed: 27 to 17.

  No study, no research, no public review, no thought, no concept and no brains. What’s the environmental and fiscal impact of the ban? Nobody knows。


  The Toronto bag ban, possibly illegal, is certainly harmful to the city, and to the environmental principles the politicians claim to uphold.


  Toronto Star《多伦多星报》社论的观点,也类同其他报章的看法,不认同巿议会旋风式的决定,标题:Toronto City Hall: Tossing bags, and good sense--胶袋脑袋,一併抛弃!社论还担忧事情可能没有挽回的机会: Reversing the ban won’t be easy。 Reopening the issue requires the support of two-thirds of city council, 因为一般来说,推翻议会一年之内的决定,需要三份之二出席市议员支持,除非今次24名议员赞成禁胶袋的,有9个转驮。经过附属立例之前,只有强烈的民意,才可以令议员以简单大多数,否定法例,重新回到正轨,这样做法,市政府发言人Wynna Brown认为很罕见:such a rejection would be unprecedented,未有先例。

  最后,多伦多禁胶袋,很多法律和政治的后果,难以预料,不过,可以肯定地说:事件还未十拿九稳,投票通过议桉的市议员,还未赢得这一场仗,战斗还没有结束。用英语来说:The thing is not yet in the bag。The councilors are not certain to have won。The battle of the bag is far from over!

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