4月13日,The Supreme Court of Canada has struck down a law that allowed police to immediately start wiretaps in urgent cases without getting a search warrant: 加拿大最高法院,一致裁定:紧急情况下,警察窃听市民电话,仍须先有搜查令,法官并给予国会12个月时间,修订法律,纠正其中抵触Charter of Rights and Freedoms权利与自由党章第8章部份,保证加拿大国民享有自由,免受无理搜查或没收行动,符合宪章规定的最低标准。
宪章charter的意思是 a formal document describing the rights, aims, or principles of a group of people。国民的basic rights基本权利,包括freedom of association, speech and religion集会、言论、宗教等自由,due process程序公义 and equality人人平等,多项民主国家的宪法权利。
Toronto Star《多伦多星报》4月15日的社论,以权利与自由宪章3O年,保障我们每一个人做标题:RIGHTS , AT 30: The charter shields us all。社论内容认为The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is one of our great treasures:宪章是加拿大最伟大的国宝之一,Time and again , Canadians have invoked it to challenge overbearing government power,法庭引用这把上方宝剑,曾经挑战政府过大的权力,扩张市民多方面的自由,包括言论自由和出版自由,to right wrongs矫正错失,to remedy inequality补偿不公不义。 《星报》并举出实例:多个传媒机构,曾经成功地在法庭援引宪章的盾牌,保障负责任的新闻报道,让传媒发挥更强大的威力,供应更多的信息 。
《星报》社论的结论认为:Under a series of vigilant judges who did not hesitate to strike down bad laws, or to “read in” rights when justice required, the Charter has come to affect most aspects of our lives :高度警觉的法官,当公义需要援引权利与自由宪章时,会义无反顾地,毫不留情地,向不良的坏法律说不,全面保障国民的生活。
30年前,4个不同党派的部长和省长,在1981年Nov.2-5关键性的4天,创造了加拿大历史性的一页 ,他们分别是:federal justice minister 加拿大联邦司法部长Jean Chretien;Conservative premier of Ontario 保守党安省省长Bill Davis,Ontario attorney general安河总检察长Roy McMurtry; NDP attorney general of Saskatchewan新民主党沙省总检察长Roy Romanow,加上当年在任的自由党总理杜鲁多Pierre Elliot Trudeau,缔造了全球公认最好的人权公约,比美国的人权宪章American Bill of Rights,成为更多国家和地方的楷模和典范, the constitutional document most emulated by other nations,当中包括:以色列 、东欧国家和香港。专栏作家John Ibbitson说得对:”The Charter doesn’t belong to the Liberals or to the Conservatives. it belongs to all Canadians. And, increasingly, to the world.”
4月17日当天,Globe and Mail《环球邮报》的社论,以温哥华注射药物场地Insite和娼妓卖淫prostitution的两宗争议性案件做例子,说明自由宪章进入第40个年头,活力和威力未尝消减:the Charter has lost none of its vitality and the court was not timid and not habitually deferential to government,法庭未有在政府面前胆怯或手软。
社论的标题:CHARTER OF RIGHTS 30TH ANNIVERSRY : The line of emphasis, 法庭清晰而强有力地划清界线,肯定自由宪章保障市民权利的使命,原文说:”Two senior Canadian courts drew a line in the sand and sent a similar message: When it comes to groups whose interest are not often defended in legislatures, and the courts will not hesitate to challenge government action – when that action could mean the difference between life and death. “ :当弱势社群和无声的市民,遇到生死悠关的利害时,而国会或有关法律未能保障他们,法庭可以援引自由宪章,挺身而出,挑战政府的行动, 捍卫他们的权益。
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