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多伦多女子用沸水烫死仅19月大儿子 被判监11年

www.sinoca.com 2011-12-08  世界新闻网

  多伦多妇女梅丽莎?亚历山大(Melissa Alexander)2007年9月用沸水烫伤仅19个月大的儿子并使其致死,梅丽莎7日被判服刑11年。





  法庭文件显示,这个名为亚历山大(Melissa Alexander)的母亲,在2007年9月11日下午,把只有19个月大的儿子费尔南德斯(Miguel Fernandes)放入一个装有热水的浴缸内。


  法官莫雷(Anne Molloy)认为,亚历山大对孩子的疏忽行为是犯罪,而被告却执迷不悟,认为自己才是受害人,而非施害者。由此法官判亚历山大11年监禁。

Copies of family photographs of deceased baby Miguel Fernandes, provided by his grandmother, Maria Fernandes. She is the father''s mother. A North York woman who shopped for a CD while her baby lay dying of excruciating burns to 40% of his tiny body was found guilty Monday, Feb. 14, 2011 of manslaughter. The judge found that Melissa Alexander left 19-month-old Miguel Fernandes home alone, then lied to his father, Sergio Fernandes, assuring him that their child''s injuries were not serious because she applied ointment and gauze on the toddler. - Copies of family photographs of deceased baby Miguel Fernandes, provided by his grandmother, Maria Fernandes. She is the father''s mother. A North York woman who shopped for a CD while her baby lay dying of excruciating burns to 40% of his tiny body was found guilty Monday, Feb. 14, 2011 of manslaughter. The judge found that Melissa Alexander left 19-month-old Miguel Fernandes home alone, then lied to his father, Sergio Fernandes, assuring him that their child''s injuries were not serious because she applied ointment and gauze on the toddler. | Peter Power/The Globe and Mail

  19个月大费尔南德斯(Miguel Fernandes)因妈妈亚历山大(Melissa Alexander)严重疏忽不幸身亡



Family photo

  亚历山大(Melissa Alexander)和她的儿子2007年在公寓的照片

Maria Fernandes, grandmother of Miguel Fernandes, speaks to reporters outside the Toronto courtroom on Monday.


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