据CP24消息,加拿大联邦新民主党党魁林顿Jack Layton癌症不治,于今晨5时在家中逝世,享年61岁。林顿曾在2009年被确证为前列腺癌,之后治愈,但7月底被诊断出新的癌症,随后暂时离任反对党党魁一角,全心投入癌症治疗和康復工作。

「今晨知道林顿去世感到十分难过!记得今年7月林顿宣布暂离党魁职务时,我祝他早日康复,他还告诉我今秋国会复会时大家便会见面!现今这刻不会来临了!我代表全加人,向他一生以来为国为民致敬,他对国家的贡献是令人怀念的!我知道林顿是一名勇斗士,他奋力抗癌,他面对任何抗争从不畏缩! 对于其遗孀邹至蕙,他的同僚和朋友,我和太太露云致以最深切的哀悼,我们在此最艰难的时刻,致以祈祷和慰问!」

"I was deeply saddened to learn this morning of the death of Jack Layton. When I last spoke with Jack following his announcement in July, I wished him well and he told me he''d be seeing me in the House of Commons in the fall. This, sadly, will no longer come to pass. On behalf of all Canadians, I salute Jack''s contribution to public life,a contribution that will be sorely missed. I know one thing: Jack gave his fight against cancer everything he had. Indeed, Jack never backed down from any fight. To his wife Olivia, his family, and to his colleagues and friends, Laureen and I offer our heartfelt condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time."
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