上周五,中国女留学生在住处离奇死亡。消息一传出,立即在华人社区引起极大关注。日前,约克大学校长Mamdouh Shoukri也发表公开信表示悼念。
多伦多警方已确认了在约克大学以南Village的女性死亡受害者为Qian (Necole) Liu。Qian就读于约克大学英语语言学院的学生。
Qian Liu同学的死亡是一个可怕的悲剧﹐我们整个约克小区都沉重地哀悼失去一名年轻、有前途的学生。我们向她的家人、朋友和同学表示最深切的哀悼和诚挚慰问。
当我们在为这一损失悲痛的同时﹐如果您有需要任何关于心理方面的辅导﹐我鼓励大家尽快与约克大学「辅导及残疾人服务」的辅导员取得联系416-736-5297(白天)﹐416-498-0043 (24小时)。
多伦多警方已发表声明并提供了案情的描述。如果您有任何相关信息,请联系侦缉警长弗兰克Skubic (电话﹕416-808-7399)﹐或匿名致电「制止犯罪」416-222 -Tips (8477)﹐或上网www.222tips.com﹐您还可以给Crime发短讯(274637)﹐或在Facebook上留下你的线索。
Mamdouh Shoukri 约克大学校长

Dear Members of the York Community,
Toronto Police Service has identified the female victim in the suspicious death investigation in The Village, a community south of our campus, as Qian (Necole) Liu, a student at the York University English Language Institute.
Qian’s death is a terrible tragedy and our entire community mourns the loss of a promising young student. Our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy go out to her family, friends and classmates.
As we grieve this loss, I encourage anyone who wishes to speak with a counsellor to contact York University Counselling & Disability Services at 416-736-5297 (during the day), or the Community Crisis Response Program at 416-498-0043 (24 hours).
The tragic passing of a member of the York community affects us all. I would ask students, faculty and staff to reach out to one another at this very difficult time.
York Security Services continues to provide police with any information and assistance that may help them in their investigation.
Toronto police have issued a statement that provides a description of a person of interest. If you have any information, please contact Detective Sergeant Frank Skubic at 416-808-7399, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at 222tips.com, text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637), or Leave A Tip on Facebook.
Mamdouh Shoukri
President and Vice-Chancellor
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