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安全永远最重要 小心以分类广告所设的抢劫陷阱

www.sinoca.com 2009-05-04  大中报


“Give me all the money!” A robber who threatened to stab his victim with a knife demanded.


Decoyed to a secluded spot by the robber, the frightened victim pulled out all the money in his pocket.

他们之间的第一次会面是在一家Tim Horton咖啡店。在此之前,劫匪在Craigslist上登广告,卖一部标价是200元手提电脑。劫匪在会面时告诉买主, “这类电脑的市场价是1000元。因为是朋友的电脑,请跟我去见我的朋友。” 急于得到这个便宜货,买主对劫匪的话言听计从。

Their first meeting was arranged at a Tim Horton after the robber had advertised on the Craigslist to sell a laptop for $200. “It would be selling for $1000 on the market. Come with me to meet my friend who owns it.” The robber told his victim at the meeting. Lured by the cheap deal, the victim followed all the instructions given by the robber.


On April 14, a woman who advertised massage services on Craigslist was found shot to death at a luxury hotel in Boston. A man who had responded to the online classified ad was arrested in the killing.

多伦多42分局防罪部门警官Gary Gomez向《大中报》表示,“42分局近期收到与以上类似的抢劫报案…… 我们想让大家提高警惕,在通过Kijiji and Craigslist等这类网络买卖货品时和在通过交谊网站与人会面时,应加倍小心。”

“42 Division has recently received several reports of such robberies… The public should be aware that similar things happen and be cautious when buying or selling merchandise using local classifieds websites such as Kijiji and Craigslist or when meeting someone through dating websites,” said Police Constable Gary Gomez at 42 Division Crime Prevention.

Gomez 表示,“这些疑犯以买卖货品为由与受害者搭上关系,然后对受害人实施抢劫或把他们骗到另外的地方实施抢劫。”


“The suspects are contacting and meeting the victims under the guise of buying or selling property then robbing them at the locations or taking them somewhere else,” said Gomez, who suggests that an individual to meet someone through online ad be accompanied by a friend to conduct a transaction or inform someone about the time and the location of the meeting prior to the meeting.

“Be observant and if something does not seem right, do not continue with the arrangement. Immediately leave the location and if applicable, call the police,” said Gomez.


“Safety is the most important part of the equation,” he stressed. 加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

下一篇:边境局被曝滥发居民证 去年五百罪犯进入加拿大

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