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投资化为乌有 唐炜臻和他的客户命运将如何?

www.sinoca.com 2009-04-03  大中报


On Wednesday, the OSC extended the temporary order that ceases all securities trading of Weizhen Tang and his companies till September 10, and adjourned the hearing in the matter to September 9, 2009.

4月1日,唐炜臻的代表律师Hugh Lissaman在证监会举行的会后表示:“我们会与安省证监会全力配合。调查仍在进行之中,目前证监会只是在文件中提出了一些指控。”

“It is our intention to co-operate with the OSC. There is an investigation pending, and so far there are only allegations put forward in a document.” Hugh Lissaman, the lawyer representing Tang told reporters after the hearing.


Since June 2008, Chinese News has published a series of articles alerting Chinese community investors about various fraud schemes ranging from affinity fraud to Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, where the monies paid out to investors come from later investors, rather than business profits.


The OSC alleged in a document filed in court that Mr. Tang raised about $65million (all amounts in USD) from the investors and most of the money is gone.


An insider revealed that there are many flaws in the records of Oversea Chinese fund account, and it will take an auditor a long time to straight things out.

据该知情者透露,实际上,唐炜臻集资约6200万美元,其中大约有1300万美元被用于支付各种管理费用,筹集费用、营销、交易费、高层管理人员薪资, 支付佣金,以及常规服务成本等,大约1400万美元在唐炜臻的投资交易中损失。

According to the insider, Tang, in fact, raised $62 million instead. About $10 million was spent on various administrative costs, financing, marketing, production of operations, salaries of senior executives, commissions, as well as costs of general services, etc., about $15 million was lost on trading by Tang.


The $35 million paid out to investors may include their investment principals and returns, according to the insider, who alleged that some earlier investors, particularly those who made commissions by soliciting new investors, might have recognized Tang’s investment losses at an earlier stage, which prompted them to solicit funds in order to withdraw their entire investment principals and gain the high rate of returns claimed by Tang.


All the allegations above have not bee proven in court.


What will happen to Tang and all investors of an alleged Ponzi scheme?


“So far, there have been no formal charges laid against my client I cannot comment on whether the OSC will pursue the case through a criminal proceeding,” said Lissaman.

加拿大著名律师事务所Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP的资深证券律师David Hausman表示, 一般来说,是通过停止一切交易行为的行政听证程序处理,还是根据刑法提出可能会导致罚款和监禁的刑事诉讼,证监会要根据案件所造成的损失程度以及是否有足够证据提出刑事指控,安省证监会有权决定是采取行政还是刑事手段来指控当事人。

In general, depending on the degree of harm and whether the evidence is strong enough to bring a criminal proceeding, either through an administrative proceeding where the OSC may stop trading activities, or in the criminal jurisdiction where it may impose fines and jail terms as legal remedies, the OSC has the choice of how to pursue an alleged Ponzi scheme,according to David Hausman, an experienced securities lawyer with Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.


The administrative proceedings of the OSC are completely before the Commission, as opposed to a criminal proceeding before the provincial court, where the OSC, the police and the RCMP may be involved.


The OSC also extended the order to Sept. 10 which freezes bank accounts belonging to Weizhen Tang and his companies.


Regardless of how the OSC will ultimately proceed, it seems to have collected enough evidence to ensure, as the first step, that the remaining assets and money is frozen and that no further harm will occur, according to Hausman.


When investors committed such a significant amount of the assets to an investment scheme, psychologically, it is impossible for them to abandon their dreams immediately. Some investors strongly believe that Tang’s investment scheme works and that he is able to recover their losses by implementing the scheme and continuing trading securities.


“In my many years of experience working with the OSC, under such circumstances, investors are normally separated into three groups. Some have exited the scheme, while some suspect the type of the fraud taking their head out of sand and the rest intend to keep believing in the investment schemes,” said Hausman。


“In general, the investors who have not recovered any of their losses are the most vulnerable ones, particularly when there is no money left in the account,” said Hausman.

多伦多查账公司- Rosen & Associates Limited.的Alan Mak介绍说:“如果受害人只是简单被骗入投资陷阱的投资者而并不了解这是一起庞氏骗局,他们很可能会被平等对待。一名代表受害者的会计师在调查投资者的损失时候,会将这些投资者会视为同一组成员。”

“If they were all simply investors who were “tricked” without realizing it was a Ponzi scheme, then they are likely going to be treated equally. When a litigation accountant is asked to quantify damages for the investors, they would be in the same group,” said Alan Mak, a forensic accountant of Rosen & Associates Limited.


However,the assets of a third party -- some early investors who were aware that the money they had received was taken as part of a fraud scheme, as well as other individuals or institutions that facilitated the scheme -- might potentially be subject to the receivership.


The third parties may be identified as being accountable for the financial losses by the investors’ civil claims, and the books and records obtained through the OSC investigation may generally be used in these claims to save the investigation and litigation costs, according to Hausman.


“If the early investors knew that it was a Ponzi scheme, and actively solicited funds from the later investors in order to recover their own funds, then they might also be subject to investigation and charges and fall within the scope of the fraud ring,” said Mak.


The OSC has jurisdiction to require a respondent to pay the investigation costs following a complete hearing on the merits or as part of a settlement, and it could elect not to pursue its investigation costs against a corporate entity if that would jeopardize the recovery for investors, according to Hausman.


The OSC only has no jurisdiction to impose a cost award on victims, said Hausman.


Legal counsels representing investors will look into the facts and circumstances of the case, exploring avenues to recover the financial losses and identifying whether a third party might be accountable for their losses, according to Hausman. 加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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