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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  中国教育网

如何要求加薪我们已经讲过。申请加薪的时候你既可以用一封详述功劳的申请信来打动老板的心,也可以要求和老板面谈,当面讨论你的加薪要求。下面是两个要求面谈的sample letter,看看他们是怎么措辞的吧。


I enjoy working here and would appreciate your advice on how to increase the reward for my contributions. Could you please schedule a time for us to meet within the next week or so? Any time that is convenient for you will work for me.

I look forward to our meeting.


I'm pleased that you've added new responsibilities to my job and I appreciate the opportunity. I would like to meet with you to further discuss my new responsibilities and the possibility of a pay raise for performing them well.

I can meet with you anytime this week that is convenient for you. If this week isn't convenient, please let me know.

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