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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  英语周报

    You can accept someone's apology by saying:

  That's all right!It's perfectly all right.It really doesn't matter.

  Here are some expressions that are often used in meetings.

  If you're in a meeting, you can find out what the other people in the group think by saying:

  What are your views on this, John?Mr Brown, what do you think about this?Do you agree, Mary?Ms Smith, what's your opinion?

  If you want to interrupt someone and put forward your own opinion you can say:

  If I could just make a point here…

  Sorry to interrupt, but I’d just like to say that…

  Could I make a suggestion?It seems to me that…

  If you want to find out if the others in the group have understood or if they agree with you, you can say:

  Do you see what I mean?Don't you agree, Simon?Don't you think so, Mrs Robinson?Are you with me?Are we unanimous?Does anyone object?

  If you don’t understand what someone has said, you can say:

  Sorry, could you say that again, please?Sorry, I didn't quite understand.I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you said.Sorry, I'm not quite with you.
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