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你知道通配符wildcard character吗

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创


  下面就介绍一下这个家伙: 通配符 wildcard character

A special symbol that stands for one or more characters. Many operating systems and applications support wildcards for identifying files and directories. This enables you to select multiple files with a single specification. 

For example, in DOS and Windows, the asterisk (*) is a wild card that stands for any combination of letters. The file specification m* therefore, refers to all files that begin with m. Similarly, the specification m*.doc refers to all files that start with m and end with.doc. Many word processors also support wild cards for performing text searches.

(wildcard characters * and ? allowed, see examples)

asterisk wildcard 星号通配符
question mark wildcard 问号通配符 加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:典型英美式早餐会话 Breakfast(二)

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