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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  英语荟萃网

Successfully Foster Successors

 There are many ways to practice the craft of lifelong learning. Training and educating employees and providing a clear path for succession in specific company positions are methods getting a significant amount of attention these days.

At General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt's recent succession of longtime chair Jack Welch brought to a close many months of speculation about Welch's successor, and resulted in a relatively long transition period. Never before has the changing of the guard at a major corporation generated so much interest, not only in the business world, but in the general public.




 People were interested for good reason. Welch's career represents an almost unprecedented streak of profits for GE and an enormous increase in stock value. Except for a few brief periods in recent years, General Electric has had the highest market capitalization of any company in the world. Additionally, in a day and age when bi-directional loyalty between companies and their employees seems to be a thing of the past, GE has been the acknowledged leader in providing corporate training programs that actively develop its people and their leadership skills. 


 Given the press that the GE event generated, boards everywhere have been examining their training and succession management programs. The tightness of last year's labor market for skilled employees is another factor that led companies to step up their efforts to attract and retain workers. Even under current labor conditions, companies want the best employees they can find. They realize that economic conditions will ultimately shift and that they will need to prepare for changes by maintaining a long-term approach to learning within the company.


  Many people think that only technology workers receive training preferences, but this is not the case. Computers have made it easier and more economical for companies to offer training to employees at all levels. These programs can deliver not only basic training, but also succession planning and cross-training to all employees. Online and distance-learning programs permit an "anywhere, anytime" approach to providing instruction, across a range of industries and occupations.


In addition to formal courses, companies must examine how they cross-train their employees. In larger companies with multiple divisions, a few years in several businesses under the same corporate umbrella can produce a well-rounded employee. As employees move from one area to another, they often take with them a fresh approach to meeting the challenges in the new environment. This form of successful succession can be very important.


 Some might say that on-the-job training programs are a luxury only larger companies can afford, but it can be equally effective for small or medium-sized companies to provide similar, if smaller-scale programs. In the environment of a small business, where each person carries a larger share of the company's burden, such a program can mean the difference between a company's success and failure when employees leave a company or are out sick for extended periods of time.


Looking at fresh ideas keeps a business vital, and training and other forms of lifelong learning are great sources of fresh ideas. Many organizations give lip service to how well their employees are treated and how much they contribute to the company's success. Fewer have a formal learning program in place. It is not that difficult to do. All that is required is the willingness to act.

    寻找新的想法使公司保持生机和活力。而培训和其他方式的终身学习则是产生新想法的上佳源泉。很多机构口头上总是说他们的员工待遇是如此之好,他们对于公司的贡献如此之大,而事实上,他们却没有一个正式的培训计划。要做到这一点并不很难,所需要的只是采取行动的意愿而已。 (申屠 译自United Entertainment Media)
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