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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  英语荟萃网

White-Collar Man in a Blue-Collar World

 My job requires skills, like driving a forklift, I haven't got. My Ivy League education won't help me now.

Can you drive a forklift? Those five deflating words instantly alerted me that my prep-school background and advanced degrees would mean nothing on the new job.




Like thousands last year, I was downsized from one of those sizzling dotcoms, now dot-gone. Faced with a shrinking job market, I turned to manual labor. Its a common trend, now that unemployment is at 5.8 percent. But the transition is seldom seamless.

 While the new boss was mildly disgusted when I couldnt drive the forklift, he was apoplectic when he tossed me a wrench to open a hydrant and saw me tightening it with all my strength. Wrong direction!he exploded. Lefty loosey; righty tighty.



 I didnt know that. Indeed, there is a whole tool kit of basic skills that Andover, Bates, Columbia and Harvard never equipped me with. But there are mo ments when I shine. I can read the Latin on every public building we pass. When the truckdriver from Quebec arrived with an 18-wheeler of mulch and I began conversing in near-flawless Parisian French about his long journey and breakfast of croissants, my bosss eyes lit up.

 In hydroseeding, my main responsibility is to guide 200 feet of heavy, serpentine hose while the boss sprays the slime. But theres more to my job than wrestling the anaconda.



Sometimes the hose gets clogged. Sometimes the chain comes off the mixer. And sometimes I have to use the side mirrors to move the 60,000-pound truck in reverse. All these situations require an all-around mechanical common sense that is as important to the blue-collar worker as the ability to navigate Microsoft Office is to the white-collar one. These are the"value subtracted"moments my background has not prepared me for.

  So I'm happy when those occasions arise when I can offer the benefits of my education. Of course, it annoys the hell out of my boss how rarely my skill set actually helps us out. And it amazes him how I'm forever dawdling with my coffee and misplacing it at job sites. Or how I'm morbidly preoccupied with safety--like the time, fearing electrocution, when I refused to hold up a lowhanging cable wire to allow our tall truck to pass beneath. ("It carries a signal, not a current!"he hollered, grabbing it for dramatic effect. )




In some ways, ours is a clash of cultures. On days off, the boss changes the oil in his pickup, retiles his kitchen floor or does brickwork;I take my car through the automatic wash, go bird watching or read"Nicholas Nickleby. "This last tickles him--so mighty are my struggles reading maps.

 But I'm just as strong as he is, and can match him bale for bale, hoisting the 50-pound sacks of seed we fill the truck with. So there is the basis for a bit of grudging respect. And for all of my drawbacks, I am at least reliable--a vestige, perhaps, of the grim"show up at your desk at all costs(if only to sit there)"ethic.


 But still it caught me off guard when, with the air now cold and the hydroseeding season over, the boss inquired recently:"Can you drive a snowplow?"



  但是最近天气转冷,育种的季节已过,老板突然问我"你会不会开扫雪机?",我一下感到措手不及。(史淳 译自Newsweek)

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